NAET and asthma

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just wanted to write and say thank you. My 2 year old son Max was diagnosed with failure to thrive caused by Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE). (There is a website American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders with info) We were told that there is little information about this condition and no medicinal cure, just a bunch of drugs to put a band-aid on the problem, including steroids. He could have ended up on a feeding tube as an adult. I heard of NAET through an acquaintance and brought Max to see an acupuncturist Linda Fournier in Leominster, MA. After 12 NAET sessions Max was cured of his food and environmental allergies. A repeat endoscopy showed that Max is 100% cured of his EE. He had zero eosinophils in his digestive system, and has gained 3 pounds. We are so thrilled that I feel like telling the world about this. I am telling everyone I know about NAET, and hopefully it will help someone else’s life as well. So thank you again. You have changed our lives.

111 VERNON ST. #1
NAET Practitioner: Linda Fournier,
Leominster, MA.
I have found many patient testimonials but they do not give full addresses. I find it hard to believe that so many stories could be "made up".

Do a web search of NAET testimonials. They are out there. The question is whether you believe what you read.

Once again - I am having success so far.
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I have found many patient testimonials but they do not give full addresses. I find it hard to believe that so many stories could be "made up".

Success Stories

I can go on google, or hotmail, or yahoo.... and create as many email addresses as I want. Then log on and testify as many times as I want.

When you run a business based on little scientific or objective evidence to make money, it is easy to support your treatment with less than truthful internet anonymous supporters. And you can delete any negative support, as you are your own webmaster.

Fortunately, SB is an open forum, and one can not delete negative references here. Again, I am glad that you are finding NAET helpful.
I personally know of someone who took Grapefruit seed extract as a friend told them it was good for them. They broke out in hives over their entire torso while at work. They contacted Dr. Yee who told them to come in right away. They brought in the bottle of grapefruit seed extract and she treated them. On the way back to the office the rash began to clear. Within 45 minutes it was gone entirely. The people in the office were absolutely amazed.

People have had reactions to various things for as long as there have been people.

When I was a kid, I got hives from eating chocolate. Those went away in about 45 minutes without seeing Dr. Yee and nobody was amazed.

People have had reactions to various things for as long as there have been people.

When I was a kid, I got hives from eating chocolate. Those went away in about 45 minutes without seeing Dr. Yee and nobody was amazed.


OK so that was one example you don't believe in. You do not respond to all the other success stories out there including examples where a chronic condition is cured and an MD doesn't understand why or how. All we can do at this point is agree to disagree on NAET.

I will continue treatments with NAET for asthma. One inhaler costs $198 for a two month supply. The other is $107. I am not looking forward to paying this for the rest of my life. This treatment is working for me and I believe I will be CURED.
I can go on google, or hotmail, or yahoo.... and create as many email addresses as I want. Then log on and testify as many times as I want.

When you run a business based on little scientific or objective evidence to make money, it is easy to support your treatment with less than truthful internet anonymous supporters. And you can delete any negative support, as you are your own webmaster.

Fortunately, SB is an open forum, and one can not delete negative references here. Again, I am glad that you are finding NAET helpful.

There are other patients in the office where I am being treated who have had success with the treatments. These are intelligent, articulate people who return as they see improvement in their own lives. They are certainly not being paid to go through these treatments. There must be something to this treatment to have so many people coming and going speaking of it working for them. Do you really believe the doctor is paying them to show up? Maybe it is the same person in different disguises and I am being tricked?
Here is someone on a yahoo group forum with her NAET experience. She does not list any specific business or who even treated her. She simply relates her experience and suggests it may help others. Is this a trick too?

Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 04:43:24 -0000
From: "ericqli" <ericqli@...>
Subject: NAET

I haven't posted since last summer, when I started an allergy
treatment program called NAET (Nahumbripad Allergy Elimination
Treatment). I was waiting until I could really know whether or not
it works. Well, I'm still not 100% better, but I have seen drastic
improvements in my allergies, skin, and overall health. I can eat a
lot more foods, my face isn't oily anymore and doesn't get flushed
nearly as often as before, I rarely get nauseated or have diarrhea,
my acne is gradually healing, and I have the strength to withstand a
day in a polluted city or stressful, busy days without needing to
spend a day in bed, exhausted.

Before beginning NAET, my chemical sensitivities were steadily
increasing and limiting my life. For example, I couldn't read a
magazine without my face turning bright right (and hot and itchy). I
would itch all over and get bloodshot eyes when I walked into
stores. And even though I was on the candida control diet and
rotating my foods, I was still gaining more allergies. Now the
process is reversing. Instead of getting sicker, I'm getting
stronger. People can tell just by looking at me that I'm loads
better and often compliment my appearance and, without even ask if I
actually feel better, say they're glad I'm better. It's that

My body is still sensitive, and I haven't gotten the courage to detox
for heavy metal toxicity. So I'm still on the journey to good
health. But now if I get a reaction to a new food that I don't want
to avoid, I just get treated and lose the reaction. To help me out
financially, my doctor even instructed me how to direct my husband to
treat me for simple items. I would highly recommend this program to
anyone with allergies and skin problems. It works!

For more info on NAET (philosphy and physician directory), go to
NAET - Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques are alternative allergy medications used to reduce or eliminate allergy and disease

Hope this helps others as much as it did me.

-Jill Li
Here is a link to a NJ newspaper article from last year. It is interesting in that some have success with NAET, one person has limited success, and of course traditional allergists think it is dangerous. Yeah - dangerous to traditional allergists wallets......

I searched over and over for any NAET related deaths and could not find one. Has anyone here found me one example of someone treated with NAET that died because they thought they were cured and were not? I would be interested in finding out if that has ever even occurred.

I searched for prescription medicine related deaths there are many each year.

I searched for physician mistakes causing deaths there are many each year.

I searched for OTC drug deaths and there are many each year.

Seems to me NAET is pretty safe when compared to other treatments. At least it is non-invasive.
It's snake oil. But people who think they respond well to one type of snake oil will in all likelihood respond to other types of snake oil. It's called the Placebo Effect.

Ask yourself this: What is the scientifically proved mechanism of action by which this "natural" treatment works? Modern medicine works -that's one of the big reasons why our mortality rate is significantly lower now than during the dark ages.

Physiology 101, Basic Chemistry, and Anatomy & Physiology should be required courses for high school students. It would cut down on these scam artists who rip people off and prey on their fears.

But that's just my educated opinion.
Here is a link to a NJ newspaper article from last year. It is interesting in that some have success with NAET, one person has limited success, and of course traditional allergists think it is dangerous. Yeah - dangerous to traditional allergists wallets......

Scratching below the surface of food allergies - Dining -

I searched over and over for any NAET related deaths and could not find one. Has anyone here found me one example of someone treated with NAET that died because they thought they were cured and were not? I would be interested in finding out if that has ever even occurred.

I searched for prescription medicine related deaths there are many each year.

I searched for physician mistakes causing deaths there are many each year.

I searched for OTC drug deaths and there are many each year.

Seems to me NAET is pretty safe when compared to other treatments. At least it is non-invasive.

Your search is flawed. For one thing, the population sample is significantly lower with NAET. Also, medicine in the form of pills, tablets, inhalers, etc are not considered invasive.

This NAET will probably have some effect for you since you are approaching it with such a positive perspective. Good luck. Do keep us posted.

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