NAET and asthma

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I am sorry to have got focused on the negative issues about NAET. Your description of sudden onset asthma, plus what sounds like a very normal pulmonary function test suggests an irritant or allergic air way disease. So it could be fine everywhere else, except during such location (work) or season (wet/damp if mold, summer if grass, etc.).

I would still recommend a very simple panel of tests - the intradermal skin test - performed in an allergist's office. This involves the application of minute amount of allergens - usually airborne - under the skin on a grid on your back - 20 or more allergens - it is read 20 minutes later. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Allergy testing It might be formulated (the number and type of allergens ) depending on your geographic location or occupation. Once you identified the allergen - you can avoid it, or simply using asthma medicine during the season where the allergen is present. If it is dust mite - environmental control - avoiding carpets, HEPA filters, etc... might be suggested. I am not a "real" physician, so I can't tell if your irregular heart beat is the cause, or effect of your lung problem. Some lung problems can lead to heart problems, and some heart problems lead to lung problems. If you can tell us the exact ekg rhythm, perhaps TSM can give you more insight.

I believe that most bronchodilators (asthma medications) are adrenergic products, more specifically for the lung, and less for the heart. Used 3 to 4 times a day, they don't affect the heart much. But used repeatedly, they will accelerate the heart - like drinking too much coffee or pop. So we have to warn you, but not to scare you. Asthma is a potentially deadly disease, so a physician must prescribe a rescue inhaler. The other medicine used in asthma are the inhaled steroids. From a holistic standpoint, this scares the c**p out of me to be puffing daily. But apparently, doctors prescribe it for daily use all the time. The third type seems safer to me, is the cromolyn (intal) type, which has no steroid, and does not affect the heart. I am sure there are other classes since I graduated from med school years ago. My son and I are both allergic to cats - and the only time I get wheezy is if my cat vomits.... or if I am cleaning up vomits. And it is funny, as I've always owned a cat for the last 20 years!

Individuals develop allergies spontanously throughout life. I no longer use chapsticks, as I developed an allergy to an ingredient about 4 years ago. That SB'er who developed milk allergy out of the blue, for instance. If you have an identifiable allergen - you might want to look into it and avoid it. Seek alternative medicine if you like, but please also look into seeing a good allergist for your asthma care. It is very holistic, in my opinion, to identify an allergen.... Then simply actively seeking to avoid it. Beware of the REAL docs who depends on a simple blood test and tell you what to avoid, and what not to eat. That test has no value in most cases of allergy.... but will identify what you are NOT allergic to well.

Thank you for the information. I really appreciate it.
Good luck with your alternative medical treatments. If it works for you, then continue on.

To help in diagnosing asthma, the patient is given a pulmonary function test, then the patient is given an short acting bronchodilator and the Pulmonary function test is repeated. The two tests are compared and the comparison is the important information.

BTW, can you tell me which pharmaceutical companies are giving physician's kickbacks? I want in on some of that action!!
Good luck with your alternative medical treatments. If it works for you, then continue on.

To help in diagnosing asthma, the patient is given a pulmonary function test, then the patient is given an short acting bronchodilator and the Pulmonary function test is repeated. The two tests are compared and the comparison is the important information.

BTW, can you tell me which pharmaceutical companies are giving physician's kickbacks? I want in on some of that action!!

I know someone in the pharmaceuticals industry and some of the stuff they told me is unbelievable. There is so much greed and corruption it is beyond belief!
I think the described effects are also caused by the placebo effect. There is no literature about this, even less than any other alternative treatments... I got a hard time buying this, mind your wallet and if it works for you, great! But dont be too disappointed...
I think the described effects are also caused by the placebo effect. There is no literature about this, even less than any other alternative treatments... I got a hard time buying this, mind your wallet and if it works for you, great! But dont be too disappointed...

I have had three treatments and I am absolutely improving. No doubt about it - NAET is working for me.:D
My breathing pattern was feeling disrupted when I would go to frozen food section in stores (no it wasn't the thought of diving into the ice cream section....). I also realized that my asthma attacks happened when I got into the car and when I would go into the office (both air conditioned). I mentioned this to NAET Dr. and she checked me for allergy response to cold. Sure enough I was having an allergic reaction to cold! I was treated for it last week and the attacks stopped though my breathing was still tight. Yesterday she rechecked me and my response was better but still not great to cold. I had another treatment for cold. Today my breathing is perfect. I don't claim to understand this stuff but it is working.

Next week If I pass the cold test I will hopefully have a treatment to cure my allergy to chlorine. It has kept me from swimming at the local Y for about two years now. She said chlorine is a common allergy.
For all you doubters there is a simple exercise you can do to show you the basis of finding out your own sensitivities. (This was something I tried on my own, not something suggested by the NAET Dr.). Hole something in one hand (straight down next to you). It could be something healthy like a piece of fruit or something bad for you like cake. Hold your other hand straight out in front of you and have a friend try to push it down toward the floor. If your resistance is strong you have no allergy to it. If you have little or no resistance that item is a problem for you. Try several items and you will see that there is a difference of resistance from one item to another. If you think it is balogna go back to something that didn't work well for you. Still doesn't right?

Also note that you may not be allergic to something bad for you and you may be allergic to something that is healthy. It is just the way your body is responding to various things.
For all you doubters there is a simple exercise you can do to show you the basis of finding out your own sensitivities. (This was something I tried on my own, not something suggested by the NAET Dr.). Hole something in one hand (straight down next to you). It could be something healthy like a piece of fruit or something bad for you like cake. Hold your other hand straight out in front of you and have a friend try to push it down toward the floor. If your resistance is strong you have no allergy to it. If you have little or no resistance that item is a problem for you.

I'd be willing to bet that if the items were in identical sealed opaque containers weighing the same amount, the results would have no repeatable relationship to the contents.

I'd be willing to bet that if the items were in identical sealed opaque containers weighing the same amount, the results would have no repeatable relationship to the contents.


The items I've tried are of approximately the same weight. The items used in NAET treatment are all in the same small glass vials.

Did you try to experiment? What happened when you use items of the same weight? Just curious about your own experience.
My initial post regarding NAET posed two simple questions. Have you tried it? Did it work for you?

I am guessing now that most people in the dive community have not heard of NAET. I didn't until I saw it on a local news report (not a commercial for it) with two success stories.

The majority of those who have posted in this thread have been involved in medicine and claim that this can not be an effective treatment.

Once again I will continue to post on my progress as I am treated. I am having success slowly. Sudden severe asthma attacks have stopped though I am still not breathing easily yet. We have also not yet addressed my allergies to cats. Treating that allergy will hopefully improve my breathing.

Perhaps someone else with asthma or severe allergies will be helped by this thread. I hope so.

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