My venture into Sidemount.

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Wahhh! Internet is down here - not going to try to post my 1st day by PDA. :crying:

Just know it was a blast, Dive-aholic rocks, & so does Morriscn Springs!

You're supposed to be working on your shoulder straps anyway! :rofl3:
So I see Rob has the last post on this thread, and I rush to open it, and . . . NO VIDEO! What's with that?
Monday dawned bright, clear, and . . . 32?!?!?? What's this stuff on my windshield? Took me a while to find the front and rear defrosters -- I'd not used them in the three years I'd had my car. :rofl3: Am I really thinking of diving in this chill? Not knowing what to expect, I didn't wear my dive undies from the start - bad decision, I had to go down to bare skin to put them on, and they were cold from sitting in the car.

I piled my stuff into Rob's van, and we headed for Morrison Springs. En route, I plied poor Rob with hundreds of questions -- what a lovely, patient man he is!!!! His goal was to work on fixing my trim first, and then do a few drysuit skills.

The first item up was the Nomad XT. He checked out how the bungees ran, and the placement of the 'doghouse' plate that holds the front front straps . . . and promptly moved them forward! Oh, noes! I just lost the only 'turf' I had on my waist band! :lol: We even had to collocate the hip D rings on the doghouse plates because I didn't have enough space to cinch it down! The coup de grace was when he went for a measuring device - and comes back with a 100 foot survey tape! "Hey, I'm not THAT big!" We leave the 'stock' bungees as Rob wants to see how they work on me after the tanks are adjusted. Just for notes - the cam bands started out about three inches higher than what I have at home, and the dog clips were about two inches shorter.

We head down to the beach and drag gear into the water - Whooo hooo, that 68F was nice compared to the 45 air! I had a bit of performance anxiety - couldn't seem to get my clips hooked up and just generally clumsy. The bungees, as usual, were difficult to get over the handles. Rob is so patient! We went under and headed for the underwater platform where Rob was to adjust my tanks. I held my position so Rob could look me over, and then the adjustments began . . . You know those shark videos where the shark grabs the pray and shakes it? Yeah, it was like that -- I couldn't contain my laughter, and still wonder what Rob was thinking of this woman laughing as he tugged, pushed, and re-clamped cam bands! Whatever it looked like, we even collected an audience of fish who came to watch the show! Finally, he indicated we should swim around so he could watch me. (This sucked because I'd rather been watching him -- he looks so effortlessly smooth and trim in the water -- I felt like a spastic aardvark!)

We swam around a bit, dropped into the basin and back up again . . . where was that buoyancy control so painfully learned in the pool drills??? I had to forcefully remind myself this was only my third open water dive in the drysuit, and about the 6th or 7th time in it at all. The construct of the basin limestone layers was quite beautiful; the pictures don't do it justice. Rob directed me back to the platform where he demonstrated a tuck and roll with shoulder exhaust . . . poetry in motion! I executed, but suspect I looked like a fish fighting going belly up. It was really nice to go back to trim position and not be all cockeyed after the drill.

Surface time was spent with a few hundred questions being answered and quick munchies . . . It was 55F and it was cold in the shade, though quite wonderful in the sun. I understand why so many people dive this year around when the sun is out. I asked Rob about the loops he uses (read back to find the pictures), and he gen'd some up for me to try instead of the bungees. For me, the 3.5" clip, and the bungee attachment 'knot', was keeping the tank away at least that clip length, if not more. Besides, it was very hard to get the bungees around the tanks - physically hard, and would trap my thumb sometimes. I was happy to try the loops.

The second dive started wonderfully - I actually clipped in like I'd done it before! :eek:hbrother: Rob's loops were delightful as I could quickly flip them over the handle of the valves, and not trap a thumb. I like them much better! This time, Rob had the camera . . . He used mine so I could keep the videos . . . yes, I will post them, but no time right now. I now know that when I get that left list, it is all about the gas being trapped in the bottom of the right horseshoe. I also need to work on my frog kick . . . I rock back and forth because I'm using my quads, dang it. :(

After dive

Lastly, Rob had hung some trim weights on me, so I need two pounds on each side. Since I do not want to travel with the added weight, we discussed weight pouches. He also explained why he liked the 'fixed' (welded) D-ring versus the ring-and-clip. It dawned on me that I was going to have to wrestle with those #$%^& stiff web shoulder straps again! I told Rob that if his ears were burning . . . BTW, Rob, I started at 6:11, and by 6:30 I was questioning your ancestry and your need to live another day . . . No, they are not easier went wet (it's still too new), it's just cold and damp as well as stiff and recalcitrant!!!

I cannot wait to dive today!!!!!! :yeahbaby:
It was great to finally meet you Jax. Im glad you gt to come to our neck of the woods, you are in good hands with Edd and Rob. I know your gonna have a blast, hopefully Rob doesnt drown from laughing :D

I don't know about Rob, but I darned near drowned from laughing!!! :rofl3:
Excellent :D Thanks for sharing.
Where will you be diving today?
Okay, this video is out of order - but I have to put it up first!! :rofl3:

Rule 1. Thou shalt retain awareness of where are your hoses, and that they remain properly stowed!!!


If you do not, an out of air will rapidly follow a valve shutdown, and you will be spagetti!

So I see Rob has the last post on this thread, and I rush to open it, and . . . NO VIDEO! What's with that?

BTW . . . :blinking: . . . if you would like, I will bring my sidemount rig to FL (since I have to train in a single. :eek:hbrother:). You can borrow it and play to your heart's content!
From the looks of it Rob didn't get to show you "the box"
Great video! The other customers on Starbucks are no doubt wondering why I'm sitting here giggling. Why do you have your right hose so long and bowed out to the side?

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