My venture into Sidemount.

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He does! I'm just afraid of the narration! :rofl3:
Bwuahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! :D
OMG, the weather is chasing me cross-country!!! Rainy in San Antonio, today, but still warmer than most of the rest of the world.

Okay, Rob, I did roughly Tucson to San Antone in 11.5 hours . . . how long to Marianna??? :D
I don't know from San Antone. I always did the northern route on I-20 through Dallas (Jen's family lives in the area). It's 13 hours from Dallas area.

Oh, and please do some evasive driving and lose the weather before you get much farther east! It's 75 degrees here today and I'd like it to stay that way!!! :D
I don't know from San Antone. I always did the northern route on I-20 through Dallas (Jen's family lives in the area). It's 13 hours from Dallas area.

Oh, and please do some evasive driving and lose the weather before you get much farther east! It's 75 degrees here today and I'd like it to stay that way!!! :D

:thumb: Y'know I'll do my bestest!!!!! :yeahbaby:
Its raining where i'm at but it's not cold!
It's quite nice down here in the Keys.

:shocked2: And that has WHAT to do with sidemount?????? :scorned:

The noive of some people, rubbing it in!!!!

San Antonio to Beaumont, TX is 4 hours and then 10 to Marianna. I did Beaumont, TX to Tuscon in 17:wink: More cold and rain coming:( But, the 68f water temp is a constant!
:hm: I'm looking at 12.5 . . . .

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