My venture into Sidemount.

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Besides, if that were true, it would simply increase my biotching potential. :)

It can get worse?!?!?!? :shocked2:
It can get worse?!?!?!? :shocked2:

I can't wait to read this trip/class report. Pictures, Rob....lots of pictures. :D

And Jax, remember, we will only be laughing with you! I'm sure when I venture to Marianna for a course with Rob that they'll be plenty of laughs at my expense.
I can't wait to read this trip/class report. Pictures, Rob....lots of pictures. :D

And Jax, remember, we will only be laughing with you! I'm sure when I venture to Marianna for a course with Rob that they'll be plenty of laughs at my expense.

I will have my camera, which does video, and am hoping Rob takes lots of both!!!!

Seriously, Rob -- I'll be posting my "take" on the class, and I hope you'll be writing up your side!!!


Rob: A beautiful, sunny day, and 50*F as we went into the clear, warm, 68* water . . .

Jax: Holy c***, it was freaking freezing, so cold the sun couldn't make an impact!!! We had to use our tanks to break through the ice on the water . . .

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :yeahbaby:
Oh, I take lots of video during my sidemount classes...LOTS! I usually don't post it online for all the world to see, but I might have to make an exception this time!

And 68 degree water is the winter... :wink:
Oh, I take lots of video during my sidemount classes...LOTS! I usually don't post it online for all the world to see, but I might have to make an exception this time!

And 68 degree water is the winter... :wink:

Well, it's 10* warmer than the last dive I made!!!!!!

Rob does take lots of video during class which helps show good and bad things you do.
Rob does take lots of video during class which helps show good and bad things you do.


Which I intend to share or ask him to share, because there seems to be a fair amount of people that are following "My venture into Sidemount". :)

On an unrelated note . . . . what happened to your weather on Sunday?!?!?!!? :crying:

The scuba demons are testing me, I swear it!!!
Oh, I take lots of video during my sidemount classes...LOTS! I usually don't post it online for all the world to see, but I might have to make an exception this time!

And 68 degree water is the winter... :wink:

Rob, I am going to have to see the video from this class. Jax told me to tell you that it is ok to post the hilarity, I mean video. :D :rofl3: :D


Which I intend to share or ask him to share, because there seems to be a fair amount of people that are following "My venture into Sidemount". :)

On an unrelated note . . . . what happened to your weather on Sunday?!?!?!!? :crying:

The scuba demons are testing me, I swear it!!!

Jax, I just told Rob that he needs to share the video................

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