My venture into Sidemount.

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Y'all might want to consider I-10 as quick as you can cut down that way if the weather continues like it is. Drive safely.
:hm: I'm looking at 12.5 . . . .

Y'all might want to consider I-10 as quick as you can cut down that way if the weather continues like it is. Drive safely.

12.5 . . . raining so hard I had to do the speed limit!! :wink:

Cave Adventurers rocks!!!
Past tense - drove!!! Just couldn't get flights to line up. Good to see family en route, though.

All y'all in the the drought -- say thank you, as I towed bucket-loads of rain with me! :shakehead: It was soooooo bad . . . I was stuck at the speed limit most of the way. :giggle:

It is SO cool to sit around Cave Adventurers and listen to people come in and talk about their dives. This is going to be an awesome class -- I wonder if I can stay out of the water today. :hm:
Glad you made it safely, Jax. Have fun and please continue the class updates. :meeting:
Jax, you are driving from AZ? Yikes.
It beats walking! :D

Jax, have fun and learn a lot.
Glad you made it safely, Jax. Have fun and please continue the class updates. :meeting:
Ditto! Made the first step of my (ad)venture into SM; ordered the Razor last night, and talked to my LDS about pricing on my second 1st stage and getting DIN valves.
I'll be ordering my SPGs soon. :dork2:
Whoot! Happy news, Jimi!

Pictures, please. :D
Whoot! Happy news, Jimi!

Pictures, please. :D
That may still be a bit down the road, but this Year! :)
Any preferences on SPG 2.0" vs 2.5"? I don't see a big difference as far as configuration, but; 2.5" may be easier to read?

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