I'm going to be the miserable contributor to this thread. I've been diving sidemount before sidemount was a thing. Absolutely it's for redundancy, cave, shore, folks with shoulder/back problems however there are limitations to be considered if you are a boat skipper, especially when it's necessary to drop you on slack and then recover you on tide. You take up more space. You are often slower to kit up. You'll need to don your tanks onboard rather than in water. You'll be slower to hand off your kit when you get back to the boat. You'd better be practised at fiddling with your p-clips because if I need to move fast on-tide to follow dsmb's I need you onboard without faff. If there's a consciousness problem you will be face down. Does your 6-10kg of back mounted irremovable weight prevent you from a rib entry. Lots of issues to consider when boat diving. Just my 2c worth...