On a boat, I'm usually fine for the first dive, then something happens between the first and the second, the wind picks up, the waves pick up, I'm tired of being in the wetsuit, I'm starting to feel seasick because I swallowed water on the first, I dunno, but I often bail on the second.
That used to happen to me too. I've figured out that if I eat something as soon as I get back on the boat that helps. I usually eat (more like inhale) a power bar immediately, along with drinking a lot of water. You could try that, or something else bland like fruit or a cheese sandwich. The bonine the night before and the morning of the dive helps too.
You are going to be really tired after the dives. Some people say that slowing down your ascent even slower than allowed - even for the last 15 feet - helps reduce the fatigue. I don't know if I've ever noticed a difference.