My back surgery...

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Yep, they make you itch and they stop you up. A least they do to me.
My plastic surgeon friend and dive buddy says Colace is the key, she says it makes you "light and fluffy."
My plastic surgeon friend and dive buddy says Colace is the key, she says it makes you "light and fluffy."
There are many good laxatives. I hate it when I have to insert a suppository, but when needed - great. I always pack a few on trips.
My plastic surgeon friend and dive buddy says Colace is the key, she says it makes you "light and fluffy."
Hrm. The bunghole doc (who was, in fact, both a bunghole specialist and a walking bunghole in human form) whom I consulted said Colace does nothing at all. He recommended Miralax.
Hrm. The bunghole doc (who was, in fact, both a bunghole specialist and a walking bunghole in human form) whom I consulted said Colace does nothing at all. He recommended Miralax.
Colace worked fine for me....
From Good RxHealth:
Key takeaways:
  • Miralax (polyethylene glycol 3350) and Colace (docusate) are both over-the-counter medications for constipation. Miralax is an osmotic laxative and Colace is an emollient laxative (stool softener).
  • Miralax works better than Colace for constipation caused by medications. But you may be advised to take them together. Colace may help soften stools to lessen straining if you have hemorrhoids, a heart condition, or if you’re recovering from recent surgery.
  • Miralax is a first-choice laxative for constipation during pregnancy. Docusate is also considered to be safe, but it may not work as well as other options.
I'm going to pass on the poop discussion, but riffing off of @ofg-1 post ...

Maybe cut the Percs in half
then start taking half every 6 hours instead of the full one ever 12 - same net dosage but more even coverage
you can then maybe start stretching the intervals to 7, 8 to taper off.
I'm going to pass on the poop discussion, but riffing off of @ofg-1 post ...

Maybe cut the Percs in half
then start taking half every 6 hours instead of the full one ever 12 - same net dosage but more even coverage
you can then maybe start stretching the intervals to 7, 8 to taper off.

Some are time-release and not subdivisible. So Pete should check with his doc before changing dosage and frequency unless he already knows what's what.

Constipation is a well-known side effect of opiod painkillers. About all one can do is take laxatives, use an enema, or abstain until you poop and then restart. Or eat a low-residue diet for a week or two. I hate taking them because they mess with my head. And then there's the constipation. Where's the "turn the pain off" med that has no bad side effects? Sign me up the next time I need one.
You guys are pootiful! I say that from the bottom of my heart. :D

I'm having bowel movements. Huge, hard, movements that tear my sphincters. :( I'm going to get both things in the morning, though the softener is probably all I need.
You guys are pootiful! I say that from the bottom of my heart. :D

I'm having bowel movements. Huge, hard, movements that tear my sphincters. :( I'm going to get both things in the morning, though the softener is probably all I need.

You do NOT want to tear things "down there." The ensuing surgery really sucks. And you'll be back on opiates because the pain is really bad. And then, you'll be constipated *again*. Do whatever you have to do to avoid that. Anything at all.
Some are time-release and not subdivisible. So Pete should check with his doc before changing dosage and frequency unless he already knows what's what.

Constipation is a well-known side effect of opiod painkillers. About all one can do is take laxatives, use an enema, or abstain until you poop and then restart. Or eat a low-residue diet for a week or two. I hate taking them because they mess with my head. And then there's the constipation. Where's the "turn the pain off" med that has no bad side effects? Sign me up the next time I need one.
Huey Lewis, ‘I need a new drug’. :)

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