Morrison Springs is Dead

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You don't need money to borrow from your friends - just ask.......
I don't have all my gear yet and don't always have the money to rent the rest of it
This is the clearest I have ever seen Morrisons and we had the place to our self, there were 3 of us there.


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Great cavern shot Gary
I agree with SBM, this is one pitiful statment. Maybe us Floridians are a little more sensitive about our state and natural resources. Yes, MANY of us do actually look at the trees. I am one of those weird divers who tries to get to the spring before anyone else...that way I can see the spring before anyone gets in the water. I always try to get a picture before the water is stirred.

Since others have posted their favorite is one of mine...taken early before anyone I could enjoy the view before people who just come to dive....mess it up.


When people go there, do they actually look at the trees and surrounding area for hours at a time or do they go there to dive? I bet all the new OW students will be to excited to care. I know when I go there, I'm going to dive.

So, as long as underwater isn't touched, I careless what happens topside.
You don't need money to borrow from your friends - just ask.......
Awww! I'm sick and stuffy and that always makes me overly emotional, so you're gonna make me cry! Or, well, maybe you're just sweet and I'd tear up a little anyway. :wink:

This is the clearest I have ever seen Morrisons and we had the place to our self, there were 3 of us there.
Oh wow. We had it like that the last time I actually got to dive there. It was so clear and pretty. Any time I need my "happy place" (lol), I remember that dive. At one point, we were over by the base of the cypress trees where it narrows off to the right and I could see Tommy near the log just as clear as if he'd been that far away on land.
I know the feeling all of you (us) are feeling about it. I truly loved that place myself. Hell, I think it was the first place I had ever dove that I could see 40'+. It's amazing. I too loved the topside when it was "beautiful". I didn't mean to sound harsh or uncaring (even though I did say it) about the top side. What can we do? Nothing. They are going to have their way with it. No matter how much we might bitch or complain, the top side is "gone". The same with below.. I'd really hate it then but, there is still nothing we can do.

So, I'm just saying what happens up there, I don't care (if I could control it, I would care (I still do care but, who cares? (FL political people don't))) So please forgive me for saying I don't. I miss it from the few times I dove it.

I still say that it will be less remembered the way it was. Of course more divers will go there and "mess" up the viz and possibly other things, it's all inevitable. So, in a few years, it'll all be the "norm" and Morrison will still be beautiful and an awesome place to dive.

I'm gonna miss you old Morrison Springs.
The people who've seen Morrison before this abortion will remember it clearly when the site was placid and beautiful.

It'll only be normal to those introduced to Morrison after the park was finished.
The people who've seen Morrison before this abortion will remember it clearly when the site was placid and beautiful.

It'll only be normal to those introduced to Morrison after the park was finished.

I agree. And that will be the norm. We all know it differently and will miss it tremendously.
My avatar was taken by SeaYoda, on one of those PERFECT Morrison days. Unlimited viz, and he and I were the only ones there if I remember correctly. I agree, that whatever the politicians are going to do...they are going to do. But, never underestimate the determination of a local and a log chain.:D

But, I to hope we are all pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I will withhold judgement till I see the final product.

The people who've seen Morrison before this abortion will remember it clearly when the site was placid and beautiful.

It'll only be normal to those introduced to Morrison after the park was finished.

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