Morrison Springs is Dead

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We can remember and honor the old Morrison but it's not coming back. I don't live in Walton county. It's not my spring; I'm just a visitor and looking forward to some bathrooms!

That being said, the boardwalk will sure look silly when the levels are really low!
I'm just glad I got to dive it a few times before this.
August 2006 :(
morrison 0806.JPG
Remember when ........

Damn SeaYoda, thats a friggin awesome picture!

I think everything they are doing will be better and more improved. You all may knock it now but, once it's done, you all will love it and forget about the way it used to be.

Dude, are you serious? :no:dork2::bash:





Dude, are you serious? :no:dork2::bash:

Yes, I'm a 100% serious. Granted, it'll take quite a few years but, it will become the norm and everyone will still flock to good ole` Morrison Springs to dive it.

When people go there, do they actually look at the trees and surrounding area for hours at a time or do they go there to dive? I bet all the new OW students will be to excited to care. I know when I go there, I'm going to dive.

So, as long as underwater isn't touched, I careless what happens topside.
Yes, I'm a 100% serious. Granted, it'll take quite a few years but, it will become the norm and everyone will still flock to good ole` Morrison Springs to dive it.

No doubt, people will still go to dive it. Hell, the crowds may be more horrendous than ever. That doesn't at all sound good to me.

When people go there, do they actually look at the trees and surrounding area for hours at a time or do they go there to dive? I bet all the new OW students will be to excited to care. I know when I go there, I'm going to dive.

So, as long as underwater isn't touched, I careless what happens topside.

Thats about as awefull an attitude as I can think of in this entire situation.

Absolutely people go out there to look at the trees and surrounding areas. Absolutely people go out there without any intention of going in, or under, water. Divers are not the only people utilizing the site, nor should they be.

Will the new additions to the site prohibit people from using the spring for whatever other usage, be it swimming, sunning, canoeing/kayaking, fishing, photography, birdwatching, whatever else? Not likely, but the overall appearance will definately be changed for the far less natural looking environment - which is exactly why Morrison has always been one of my favorite sites. Not just UW, but for the overall experience.

You've missed out on one of the finer sites you could have ever enjoyed if you haven't taken the opportunity to appreciate Morrison in its entirety, including that super nice cypress canopy surrounding the basin's surface. You missed out totally, and thats incredibly sad.
They've citified the country. And that's sad.

Actually, I have gone there just to look at the trees. When you're beach support for a night dive you hear mosquitos that sound like 18 wheelers on the interstate. I have heard gators growling, owls hooting, a large cat scowling, and who knows what else. The most unnerving sound I heard at night was human voices.

Sunning?? Bugman that could be some nice eyeballing... Or it couldn't...

Bathrooms?? There was two hundred acres of bathroom!

I - for one - have seen water in the old dive shop the year that the Choctawhatcee bridge washed out on I-10. . Hopefully Mother Nature will reclaim all this nonsense pretty quickly.

And, I guess I feel really glad that they're spending a half mil so they can build a park with my money and charge me to get in.
Remember when ........
That is the most gorgeous picture. Oh. Wow.

When people go there, do they actually look at the trees and surrounding area for hours at a time or do they go there to dive? I bet all the new OW students will be to excited to care. I know when I go there, I'm going to dive.
Actually, considering that I don't have all my gear yet and don't always have the money to rent the rest of it, I've gone out there several times just to enjoy the scenery and the topside experience. Yeah, I get to hang out with the people there diving, but a lot of the time, they're under water and it's just me and I love the chance to just sit there and look out at the full picture of the water and the trees and just think. The first time I saw it, I was blown away b/c I was expecting something like Vortex and this was so different. It's a beautiful surprise every time I come around that bend and it opens up like that. That's gone now.
Have you never taken the time to stop and just roll over onto your back for a minute to look up through the water at the trees above? It's gorgeous and unspoiled. was. :( Some of these changes may end up being a little more convenient (yeah, the sand is really, really annoying, but they don't have to pave over it!), but the entire experience is going to be different now and it definitely won't be as special or as beautiful.

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