There are also many things that are not reported.
For example, today a manta was found that accuses certain policeman by name, (and with photos) of cooperating with criminals in exchange for money. It may or may not be truthful, but I would these officers are investigated and dismissed if true.
Fear among policemen

COZUMEL, March 7 .- The contents of the blanket could be the primary factor to understand the attacks against police booths labeled with the logo of the Special Operations Group (GOE), all under the present municipal administration, cycle where the placement of blankets, in the most recent police officers of this group were blamed for having links with narco-criminals.
Within the preventive police ranks of the municipality of Cozumel, has permeated the fear, before the placement of the blanket in the Colonia Centro, in whose content they accuse directly with serious charges to middle managers of the current Preventive Municipal Police, of being linked with groups of the underworld of the drug trade on the island of Cozumel, lavishing privileges with allowing them to operate certain groups, but hardening the deal with others who do not pay the established fee.
In the hillside of the Municipal Preventive Police they have for fact that the attacks to the cabins of police happened months, obey to the displeasure of some criminal group and relate the reasons written in the text of the blanket whose content described: "To the citizenship in gral. And competent authorities.
This is so that they know and know who is responsible for our insecurity on our island and the cause of the growth of robberies and the increase of shooters on the island. all that happens aorita that the group of police of what is formed by policemen named "Reynaldo" nicknamed "toad" Police of what is formed by the code names "Jabali" by the commander Ivan Dzul and the police Manuel Antonio Juarez All they commanded by the commander 'Niñon' with key 'SIMI' are the people in charge of the square of Cozumel are those who decide, who works and who does not. They do not process anyone because everyone takes their money and charges them for letting them work and the same with the commander's group (they put a picture) they grab handles just to take money out and align them to charge them and let them work and not process them or turn them over to the corresponding Authorities. So much that they have come to charge 50 thousand to 70 thousand for freeing the person with arms or drugs and when the person does not pay a fee or does not line up with the group they plant drugs, bullets and grenades to accuse the person this is so they can take action on the matter. Including clandestine Att CDC. " bullets and HAST grenades to accuse the person this is for them to take action on the matter. Including clandestine Att CDC. " bullets and HAST grenades to accuse the person this is for them to take action on the matter. Including clandestine Att CDC. "
So much has advanced the fear that they are on the watch every moment, especially at night so as to be alert for any other attack that may arise to any of these modules of the Municipal Police of Cozumel. Especially to those labeled with the Base GOE caption, since not all the police officers belong to said group, only a small number of agents who have never achieved important arrests to narcomenudistas.
In the short cycle of the PAN-PRD government in the coastal municipality, are counted ten attacks to different houses, in addition to the partial burning of a patrol the year before the door of a mechanical workshop located next to the primary school " Sara María Rivero. " On that occasion, the attackers called themselves "Cartel Medellín", by means of a cardboard abandoned in the place, although the authorship of the blanket placed at dawn on Tuesday, the authors signed it with the acronym CDC, qualified as "Cozumel Cartel", group unknown until now because in the municipality of Cozumela, the authorities have assured that there are no drug cartels. What is a fact is the existence of several local and independent groups working simultaneously in the sale of drugs.