Moonie Kidnapped!

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i have a list of payments that total $595USD!!!!!!!

Missed mine... $50 through PayPal..... that brings it up a little!
Had I have been involved (my lawyer has told me not say anything), it is important to state that I was not the mastermind. The evil genious behind the kidna....I mean liberation may want to take some credit him/herself
Puff's been diving for a long time, so I'd expect him to be able to hit what he wants to. Of course, there's the chance that he's rusty & his aim might be off just a bit.
Wayward Son:
Puff's been diving for a long time, so I'd expect him to be able to hit what he wants to. Of course, there's the chance that he's rusty & his aim might be off just a bit.
I'm in for all the tickle stick only dives:D
I think I just read the wrong post... thanks for the weird visual Chris! BTW- you picked the better of the days to dive with the class this weekend...

So, not that I can do much about the loonie moonie critters, but at some point I'm going to end up with them and yawl are going to get some funny pictures provided the taker of said photos posts them! :D
CHIP - You Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashtid

Howard, Joyce, Michelle, to think I call all of you my friends! :jaws:

This entire time I thought it was Jenny and Matt! :evilsmile No lie. I am still a bit confused on a couple of points but...

And Chip here you were sweet talking me while he was being nabbed :menani: Just remember, we are diving together when Puff and Wayward get down there. That is a threat! :winky: (are you scared?)

Well I have to hand it to you guys for an incredibly well down job. :rocker:

:god: :yelclap: :god: :yelclap: :god: :yelclap: :god: :yelclap: :god: :yelclap:

Now I have to hope WS is good with his word about blowing you guys to bits.

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