Moonie Kidnapped!

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Just waiting for "F" to post....
They did, but already took
F outa their sig. line.
Wayward Son:
All I got to say is the bug hunting better be damned fine!!!
After previous threats you made to the "alleged" kidnappers, you'll forgive me if I only dive with you while you have a tickle stick and sit out the speargun dives:D
And all along I thought it was you and Joyce:D
Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!!:light:
Wayward Son:
Kidnapping is a lousy, low down despicable thing to do. I can only hope that Loonie made you all suffer for it.
Actually Loonie was the designated driver. He knew all the best bars:D
and it was a good cause:wink:

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