Aside from the "captivity" project I'm trying to discover why, if they are so wonderful, the double-hose regs went to the garage sales so quickly back in the late 60s and early 70s.
I need to fashion a temporary duckbill for the exhaust hose and see if that helps, plus it is not immediately apparent just where to connect an IP gauge. On the hookah port, perhaps? My new DAAM breathes well when I'm completely vertical and it free-flows when I take it out of my mouth and hold it up, plus I succeeded in removing and replacing the reg while in the water and didn't need to lean to the left or make a CETA in my pool

I love the idea of having the air exhaust behind me and having a mouthpiece that does not want to pull to one side or the other. I'd often thought of trying to modify a single-hose reg so it had hoses like a double-hose for these reasons. I have two manuals that you wonderful people have sent me which I will look at right after I clean my pool filter, mow the lawn, and fix the leak in my spa pump. Oh, and install two new sprinkler timers and plant my hibiscus plants so I can make jamaica since I can't go to Mexico and get some there.
Meanwhile, I love my new $9 mask from China!