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I have no problem with dive operators making profits, none at all. I don't know if the island might have too many dive ops for the market to bare, that's beyond me, but I want the ops to make good money, to be happy doing business while living well, while supporting safety throughout the diving sport/industry there.
That said, there are two reasons I don't dive nitrox on Coz...

The op I've been using charges $10 USD to upgrade 80 cf tanks, and I hear some charge $12 more. Again, I usually take it or leave it but since you brought up gas costs, now we're curious why they're charging us 3 or 4 times as much just for a different gas when they are supplying tanks anyway.
That said, there are two reasons I don't dive nitrox on Coz...
- I'm an old, fat, lazy air hog and diving air on 100cf tanks keeps my computer happy enough and me safe in my opinion.
- I would prefer to dive nitrox some still, but not at the usual add-on prices.
Who asked for free nitrox? I don't think anyone did. There was some mention of ops who do include it free I think, but no one asked for free nitrox - so there.If you want free Nitrox...open your own shop
Yep, that jives with their published prices. Air is 31 MXN for 80 cf vs nitrox at 91 = 60 Pesos more = $3 USD additional cost.i was told it was 91 peso for an allum 80 with 32% nitrox. for those of us that are mathematically challenged, that works out to aprox 6 dollars canadian or aprox 4.50 u.s. now don't nickel and dime me here guys this is the aprox cost depending on the exchange rate you are paying. but it certainly gives you an idea of the cost. we were also told all we needed to do was leave a piece of ID until the tanks were returned. previously i was told my cert card was good enough to use as ID but did not ask this time around.
i am not 100% certain of the cost of an air filled allum 80 but i believe it was 31 peso. so if it was 30 or 40 peso it would be aprox 2 or 3 dollars.

That's my thought exactly.. Yeah it is more trouble to handle different tanks and match them up to the divers and their boats, and yeah you do have to supply O2 analyzers as well as keep them safe and maintained, but not that much. You are already supplying the tanks from the fill station. As far as analyzing, get a few CooTwo analyzers that check for CO and O2 levels at the same time. They are a little pricey for us tourists to own and bring, but some of us do. It'd be very few pennies/tank for the Ops to supply those - really. I support ops that support safe diving, but you have to be willing to provide tank testing - for both.Christi, I am a small business owner and sympathetic with you but $12 for a $3 item when you already have charged for handling the air tank seems excessive. I pump my own nitrox and have my own analyzers and am very aware that the cost of analyzing a tank is almost nothing.
They don't just pickup the tanks and put them on the boats. Not even similar. Again, I don't think any of us object to ops making decent profits. We're just discussing one add-on cost that seems out of reason.Ever go to a restaurant? What do you think the wholesale cost was for that $100 meal you just had?![]()
The tanks are going anyway, right?With risking offending some great shops...
I too find the higher markup shop's nitrox tank upgrade cost a little unsavory. It's understandable to pay premium for better service or a better product but to have the same product (analyzed?) upsold at a 400% profit margin is a tad extravagant.
From one business owner to another respectfully.
Ok, that is a good point. If there are others, we are reading...??I think you really need to look at the whole package of what a dive op is offering you for the price you are paying. There is enough competition with dive ops in Cozumel that I am sure they police overpricing themselves. Without knowledge in the industry one reason I could see for a high MU is if Nitrox extends dive times, it extends work times for DM's and captains. I am sure there is much more to it than I could imagine.
I don't think anyone here disputes that. We want the ops to make decent profits, be happy in their business and life, and be happy providing for us. We're just discussing one add-on. OK?Running a business is a lot harder than most people think. While the op might be realizing a decent profit on nitrox, that is only a tiny piece of the operation.We don't get charged extra on the day or week the the boats are not full, something major breaks, or any number of factors that make it tough to make a profit .
See Definition of DISCUSSIONAre people really arguing over $10 bucks...a day over a week period? stop hitting up Starbucks then
As he said in post #1...I have no idea how you got those numbers and even the one you have is a cost of $4.50 for an aluminum 80 with nitrox.
The prices they gave him match the published prices on their illustrated price list pictured above. Yes, $4.55 USD for a nitrox 80cf, or $3 add-on over air cost.i was recently on the island and decided to go by the compressor station again to verify the current cost and to share that info here .
As I recall, this all started when you quoted something similar. Generally we look at a dive ops prices and decide to take or leave them, including the nitrox add-ons - but you brought this up, so I looked. Rick did not ask about high pressure 120s, he only asked about costs of air & nitrox in 80s - but the prices they gave him match the prices they publish online - again, see photo above. Their menu says 168 Pesos for HP 120 nitrox, so I have no earthly idea why you are paying 190 - and it's your business to explore that if you wish. The add-on for nitrox vs air HP 120s is 168 - 45 = 123 Pesos to upgrade = $6.15 USD to upgrade from air to nitrox, so sure - if you charge $10 more, that sounds reasonable to me.Fact: Meridiano charges us 190 pesos for a HP 120 fill of 32% nitrox and even though exchange rates vary, that is pretty darn close to the $10 we charge. We have not lasted 25 years by "ripping off" customers as you insinuate.
The op I've been using charges $10 USD to upgrade 80 cf tanks, and I hear some charge $12 more. Again, I usually take it or leave it but since you brought up gas costs, now we're curious why they're charging us 3 or 4 times as much just for a different gas when they are supplying tanks anyway.