No argument there. As I previously said, I opted not to buy nitrox on my last visit because of the cost. Had it been more reasonable, I would probably have got the upgrade. If I'd done that, I'd have been happier, and the dive shop would have made some extra money (just not the 400% or whatever it works out to). In the end, a business has to decide what they market will bear. I don't think many Cozumel diveshops are losing customers over the price of nitrox. They're just selling less nitrox than they might otherwise sell. Maybe enough people buy it anyway that they don't think it would be beneficial to reduce the price.
I just figured it's probably not much extra effort to order 50 air and 20 nitrox (or whatever they need for that day) than it is to just order 70 air from merry-d. Maybe I'm wrong about the $100ish/year cost of a nitrox analyzer being significant to their bottom line.
kelemvor - I'm not addressing you or arguing with you

I just happened to click reply on your post

I am addressing the thread in general - not to be argumentative, just to clarify some variables that have been brought up throughout the thread.
With that said, I know what my costs of doing business are, and I know what diving services and ours specifically are worth and what it takes to break even or to realize a very small profit.
We replace sensors (@$100 each) every 2-3 months and replace the entire units 12 - 18 months or as needed in reply to that question. They get heavy use - on a daily basis in a moist salt air climate.
Most of our divers use nitrox, but not for every dive - it's typically 1 air and 1 nitrox - air on the wall dives and nitrox typically on the second and subsequent - depends on what we're doing.
I provide nitrox to my DM's on the 2nd and subsequent tanks of the day - every single day. My DM's average 70 minutes a dive so they are also paid accordingly.
I don't rent nitrox tanks, I own my tanks - so again, costs are not simply the fills. In fact, I just purchased 20 new tanks - in addition to the cost of the actual tanks, add about $70usd a tank to get them from the states to the island + the cost of stamping them and inspections once they arrive.
Gordon seems to "get it" - while some of you may believe the markup on Nitrox is egregious - you're not really looking at the big picture.
Nitrox retail prices range from $10 - $15 on the island - that's SOP here on the island among 80 - 100 shops - it's not one or two shops doing it, so that has to say something about our actual costs of providing nitrox.
For those of you who think the mark-up is too high, that's your perception and you're entitled to it - but it does not mean that we (dive ops) are ripping anyone off or making a big profit off of it - even those of you who fill your own gas in your garage and think you understand our costs of doing business here. I'll add that those published prices do NOT include the 16% tax that we also pay.