Memorial Day Weekend, Falling Rock!

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I'll be there Sunday. Not sure what time yet. Have to run out of town Saturday and probably won't make it back until later.

I'm going to try to have my BC pockets full so Chris doesn't ask me to carry the diversions!!

Kenny (K2)
I'm going to try and get there early to secure the spot.
You know there will be enough unsupervised equipment lying around,
I'm sure to find an empty pocket somewhere. :lol:
See you around 11:00 Saturday.....


I'm really looking forward to it. Joe asked me to make up a sign about
ScubaBoard to put up at the check in. Seems he gets divers that come
out there with crossed fingers on finding a buddy. Maybe we will see some
new members this year!
Land Locked:
Joe asked me to make up a sign about ScubaBoard to put up at the check in. Seems he gets divers that come out there with crossed fingers on finding a buddy. Maybe we will see some new members this year!

Seems like I remember a post on here somewhere about sending an SASE and getting a free ScubaBoard bumper sticker. That would be good to put up. I just can't find the post... I'll keep looking...
When would be a good time for me to get there Sunday...I'd like to get there early
Seems like I remember a post on here somewhere about sending an SASE and getting a free ScubaBoard bumper sticker. That would be good to put up. I just can't find the post... I'll keep looking...

NetDoc was supposed to be sending me some. Haven't seen them yet though.
When would be a good time for me to get there Sunday...I'd like to get there early

I guess that would depend on your night before....come to think of it Joe's
night before also. Since we have people camping overnight, whenever you
get there is fine! Something to think about is air fills and the number of dives
you want to do and the number of tanks you are bringing. The dive shop closes
at 5 on Sunday. If you want to a night dive or for folks wanting those last minute
dives Monday morning, we need to plan accordingly!
Land Locked:
I guess that would depend on your night before....come to think of it Joe's
night before also. Since we have people camping overnight, whenever you
get there is fine! Something to think about is air fills and the number of dives
you want to do and the number of tanks you are bringing. The dive shop closes
at 5 on Sunday. If you want to a night dive or for folks wanting those last minute
dives Monday morning, we need to plan accordingly!

I will likely only do a couple dives...I only have a 3mm...Brrrr!!

Oh...P.S. Chris..STAY AWAY FROM MY POCKETS!!! :whack:

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