Megadive Party '04-b

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From what i read of the other springs, they are reasonable for freediving, not really scuba, there are about 7-8 springs in the bay area. So beyond the kings bay, a drift or two on the Rainbow River, what else have we got in the area to sink our teeth into?? Apart from sea veal again....

Its all cheap so that is an advantage, but i like to dive somewhat on my diving outings (socialising is fine too) as people noticed at Ginnie. :wink: Otherwise i am thinking it would almost certainly be a saturday/sunday thing rather than a long weekend.
Ooooops! Here's the link:

BTW, simbrooks, there are several caverns (Blue Grotto (95+ ffw), Devil's Den, etc.) just a short (~30 minute) drive away. Might make a good outing.

For me, I'd be content to visit the high density manatee areas early in the morning, then explore some of the lesser-known springs later in the day, then do same thing the next morning, with the Rainbow Drift on the afternoon of Day 2. Not a bad 2-day excursion.

In Crystal River, I'd like to drop down into Shark Sink (45 ffw) or Idiot's Delight. I've never been in those. Gator Hole is also on my not-done-yet list.
There are those, but in keeping with a "cheap weekend" i was hoping to not drop $30 at each place (BG, DD or Paradise) - unless we can get a group rate, but even then, 1-2 dives and you are done at those places. Another drift i havent done yet is the Silver River, also just up the road from Ocala - free again, except boat hiring fees. I would like to check out all the various springs in the KB area though, so a big pontoon boat would be best for that.
I haven't been to Silver River in quite a while (since I was a kid, about :11: 20 years ago. (Where's my cane?!)

It was quite impressive, simlar to Rainbow but a bit bigger IIRC. One definite attention getting aspect. Silver River does have gators. We will definitely see some on each dive. Not a big deal, just don't piss them off and they will just watch us pass. (We had relative from Austria who wanter to see one move. We actually had to touch it with a paddle to get it to move! Then it simply moved away at high speed off of the mudbank. Of course we all got COVERED in mud from its tail :rofl2:, but not hurt.) But a heads up for phobics is a good idea.
I was just thinking that would be an opportunity for those who enjoyed the Santa Fe drift, that they could get their not so great viz again, rather than at Rainbow River where you can pretty much see forever. It would be nice to see some gators up a little closer than in a boat.
Silver River does have gators. . . . Not a big deal, just don't piss them off and they will just watch us pass.

and, pray tell, how does one piss off a gator?

just asking so i dont do some horribly offensive thing
(to a gator) but seemingly inoucous to me, such as
making a gesture that in Gator means "your mother
has awful skin" or some such
and, pray tell, how does one piss off a gator?

just asking so i dont do some horribly offensive thing
(to a gator) but seemingly inoucous to me, such as
making a gesture that in Gator means "your mother
has awful skin" or some such
I believe :1poke: will do for starters as suggested before, or :whack: also works, for i believe they will :Wizard: if you dont watch out!! As for signalling that very quote about the gator's mum :007: facial expression would get the message across.
H2Andy... " pray tell, how does one piss off a gator? "

Tell them anything negative about their University!
Fortunately, I live here but am not a gator. :p
As for regional SCUBA championships... WATCH IT!!!!!!

Ways to piss off an alligator, (from someone who worked on an alligator farm)
EXIST and you've done it! It's more of a range actually, with a slightly pissed off gator on one end and a total horror movie on the other.
Don't get near their: food, eggs, young, mating territory, females, males, nests, prey, don't look at them in the eye, don't throw rocks, don't throw lawyers, (they REALLY hate that one), and most of all never, never, NEVER, get in one's way when it's swimming straight at you with its mouth open. He is NOT smiling or asking for directions to his dentist!

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