You got that right GJ.
Oh, sure, there was much fanfare and noise at the SP meeting. I'm sure of it, even though I wasn't there. I've seen this script played out dozens of times before; in the camera business, for example, 20 years ago.
Division President who is "too soft" on backchannels gets canned and replaced. New guy gets some salary structure based on the volume in the "protected" market. Sounds like a good deal with teeth, right?
Well, maybe. Except that those "back channels" sell a LOT of the total market of the product. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Europe was 30% of SP's market, and of that, half was going to LP - one way or another.
If that 15% of their total revenue was to disappear, SP would be in SERIOUS trouble. If Helen thinks that shutting that pipeline will redirect the business to the LDS, at twice the price, she's had way too many hits off a crack pipe.
What it'll do instead is shove the business over to Apeks, which has EU and British retailers that are happy to ship piecemeal overseas, or who won't shut THEIR backchannels down. All that'll do is cost 'em the volume - perhaps permanently.
LP, just as one example, sells more product than most manufacturers. One store. Do the math folks - none of the manufacturers really want them to go away.
Of course the dealers, many of who scream for "protection" (never mind that if you read that Nine West case, it looks like it might be against the law!), want to see "soemthing done." So arm-waving is the order of the day - but in reality, no, it won't stop and the channels won't be closed down. Not really.
The manufacturers know full well that such an opening to the competition won't be left unserved. There is no free lunch, unless you want to be a niche manfuacturer (and there are a few - such as Halcyon.)