jonnythan:Lubold conveniently left something out between "you get a lifetime warranty when you buy from an authorized source" and "Leisurepro is not an authorized source."
What he left out is that Leisurepro matches the manufacturer's warranty themselves.
I left that out for a reason. That warranty that LP has is next to useless. The manufacturer's warranty is not even comparable to LP's warranty. Every couple of months we have another thread on here about how LP messed up someone's reg. You guys always complain about the "shop monkey" that fills your tanks. Have you ever wondered what kind of chimp is working on your reg?
How is LP goin to get Manufacturer updates on a reg? How is LP going to get their service techs trained? How is LP going to get the appropriate parts for a particular reg? How long will it take LP to catch up on a recall, when the MANUFACTURER initiates most recalls? See where I am going? I dont want any moron who doesnt know what he is doing servicing my reg.
I dont believe LP has the proper training, or the proper parts to overhaul any reg. If they send it to someone who is, thats another story. The problem is, you still dont know who is servicing your reg. Its a matter of safety. Also, if they send it to someone else, how long are they going to have your reg? My turnaround time on a reg that is given to me for overhaul is usually two to three days.
But, lets not forget, you can SAVE $$$ by buying at LP...
Thats what its all about, right??? Saving money. Well, when you look at the big picture, you are not saving money, and you are actually sacrificing your safety.