Levers levers everywhere...

Curly feet lever or old lever with S-Wing poppet on G250

  • New curly lever

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Old lever (original)

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters

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I have 5 Conshelfs now, I bought two new ones in a moment of madness. Recently I picked up another three used for just under $10 each. Should have just waited and bought used ones as the new ones I'm scared to dive, expensive ornaments.

And by the way, you are to blame.

I am to be blamed for many things I am told by my wife, now I have you :wink:. One of my Conshelfs, I bought new, apparently had been lost for decades. It fell from it's perch and landed behind a heavy cabinet (inside it's box) and there remained. Apparently several people, employees, DMs, had been accused of stealing it from inventory. In any case, when the shop when TU in the Bush-Obama economic meltdown and the shop was being cleared out, guess what emerged from underneath, yep, a brand new Connie in it's box. So, the shop that bought them out, they knew I like Connies so it came to be mine. Apparently some apologies were owed as well by the previous shop owner to people who had decades past moved on.

Uh, it is an experiment ongoing, but, I am spraying the covers in Pastidip as a scratch protective film. Next I am going to laminate Mylar 3M film. Because I too, have a couple of NIB Connies and 109s. The 109s are just for looking at, they are much to fussy to actually dive with, as you are finding out.

I now have two new XIVs (5 used) and two new 156 BAs. I want to dive them but don't want to mess up the covers. I've managed to get some new XIV covers for a very cheap price, significantly cheaper than re chroming so will now happily dive the XIVs. In the process of acquiring some older 109/156 covers so will put new covers in a box and dive them with some older covers. Yes, James you are 100% to blame for my XIV obsession, the SP gurus are to blame for my 109/156 obsession and Halocline for D300 obsession, well ok, the obsession part is all on me...ignorance is bliss, but now I have IMO some very cool regs. Thanks guys.

This years been a bit rough and this little self service, vintage reg journey has given me some much needed respite, a change in focus. It's been good. Thanks people.

Merry Christmas.
I've rebuilt and serviced lots of 109s/BAs but only a hand full of G250s, but internally, they are pretty much the same. It has been my experience when converting to a new s-wing poppet or duro poppet the "curly foot" lever ("new" in the picture below) has always worked. However, the small foot lever (middle in the picture below) will also work quite well IF the lever height is correct.

See this link ScubaPro Lever Height Adjustment Tool review for a review of Herman's invaluable lever height adjusting tool. I don't know what happened to the format or images-but the bottom line is:

If you're maintaining or upgrading one or two regulators, then the purchase of a new lever makes more sense. However, if you you're in the bad habit of salvaging every 109/BA/G250 you can get your hands on; you'll find this jewel a welcome addition to your tool box.

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Thought I'd update this thread with some new findings.

Could get no consistency on my G250s with new curly style lever or the older small square leg lever. I recently bought some curly feet levers but didn't pay any attention as didn't need them at that point.

Still have a small issue with one of my G250s despite using several different levers. Anyway decided to use one of the new ones, to my surprise it looked like no other lever I had seen before.Turns out it is for a G260. Put it in my G250 and bingo, perfect. Just for experimentations sake put one in another G250 and again perfect.

Have some 98 Satin BAs, one of which was new. Both had the "common" curly feet levers, one has a S-wing poppet with one O ring and a short balance chamber, the other a two O ring S-wing poppet with longer balance chamber. Took apart cleaned, installed new seats, springs and O rings and both cracked at around 1.5-1.6 Could not get them any lower. Super confused as to what was going on.

Took apart, new poppets and G260 lever, same results. Looked at diaphragms, both had the same, and noticed they were taller than my 109/G250 diapghrams. Put in 109/G250 diapghrams and bingo, cracking at around 1. I can only assume they are supposed to crack higher from factory as same reading was recorded regardless of parts, including all original, until diaphragms were changed, strange.

I'll post photos of diaphragms when I get home.

So, result, new G260 levers work perfectky in G250s and 156 BAs. No idea why the taller diaphragms were used given they seem to have a negative effect on performance.

Note: the poppets, particularly on the BAs went in much much easier with the G260 levers. They kept getting hung up using the original curly feet levers, it seemed the legs were catching on the seat as I could see marks on opposite sides of the seat where they'd been hit. Never had that problem with a G250.
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Just a wee update, with the long black balance chambers, s-wing poppets, G250V metal adjustment knobs, metal G250V orifice and G260 levers with my G250s I'm 10 for 10. It's my winning combination.
........G260 levers with my G250s I'm 10 for 10
Is the G260 lever is the one on the left side of the picture? If so, that is good news as they look more robust than the others and should be available for some time to come.
Is the G260 lever is the one on the left side of the picture? If so, that is good news as they look more robust than the others and should be available for some time to come.
View attachment 416830

Yes, on the left and yes they are more robust.
To add:

I was using G250V exhaust valves but had intermittent sticking and leaking issues. Although they do fit they are right on the edge and as such not reliable. Don't use them. Ditto G250V main diaphragms, they are noticeably taller and I couldn't get a consistent tune using them which is a shame as they are noticeably more supple.

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