jbliesath:If the requirement gets to the point that you have to have $12K worth of gear to try into to cavern and cave or tech diving in general (the key word is TRY!), then there will be many less tech and cave divers in the future. Good for you guys but bad for the sport in general.
Thanks for all the effort put forth in this thread! I appreciate it!
You're welcome. That's what these threads are here for - for everyone to hopefully learn something new.
You don't need doubles for cavern. If you want to check out the overhead environment and see if it's for you - take cavern. If you get bit by the bug, then you won't feel as bad shelling out the money for the doubles and getting proficient with them in open water prior to taking ANY cave class.
Besides, you can always rent and borrow someone else's if you just want to give it a try and see if doubles are for you - in open water, mind you! What a lot of people seem to forget, is that cave diving, of any sort, is tech diving! We've all come to accept the use of doubles for any sort of technical diving - deep, deco, wreck penetration, etc. No one ever argues that point, or suggests that we do deco dives on a single with an H-valve. Yet, here's a type of diving that puts you very far into an overhead environment, much further than the inside of a wreck, and no one seems to be able to make a connection between the two. Just because you didn't go into deco, doesn't mean it's not a tech dive and can be done on a single. You still got that VERY solid overhead above you, and a long swim back, should sh!t hit the fan. And just because people used to do it on a single before, doesn't mean we still should. Times change, we expand our understanding of the sport and risks involved, we grow as divers - the agencies, and specifically their rules, must grow with the times.