Keys w/SoCal divers Saturday 8/7

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Let me chime in with the good advice re: current and diving within the limits of your training and experience. I, too, am a veteran of those and other relatively deep wrecks, and can vouch for Scubaguy62's comments. The AOW course is helpful, but each person hits his/her point of competence differently. Lots of people get luck and have great dives on those two wrecks, but a successful, safe dive means that you've eliminated as many risks as are possible while planning the dive.

Just remember, no matter what you do regarding this trip, that any diver call call any dive at any time for any reason. There's no shame in going out to a site, entering the water, and realizing that it's beyond your limits. Most of us have had to call a dive at one time or other. The most important thing is to return to the surface safely.

You've got some good buddies lined up for this trip. I wish I could join you guys, but family committments must take precedence.

Best wishes and safe ascents,
That is the best advice I have seen. You have hit the nail on the head.
The first rule in cavern/cave diving that I learned is what you stated above and bears repeating:Any diver can call a dive at any time for any reason.This rule applies to any dive. And the diver that calls the dive should never be made to feel bad about making that decision.
Wish you were joing us.

I will be coming down by myself. I hope it won't be a problem finding a dive buddy. I dove the Grove earlier this year and had no problems. Most of my diving has been on oil riggs and wrecks in the Gulf(80-110ft). I will be looking forward to meeting everyone.
ok, so have we decided on a place to eat??? with so many, was nt there one mentioned that had a deck ?? and might be able to put a big group together?? that sounds like a good possibility. what do you all think???
ok, madeline and smokeaire, i will be leaving Jax on Friday, around 6:00, so i hope
to be in Key Largo around 11:00 p.m. or midnight...

could i get directions to where we are staying? thanks!
ok, madeline and smokeaire, i will be leaving Jax on Friday, around 6:00, so i hope
to be in Key Largo around 11:00 p.m. or midnight...

could i get directions to where we are staying? thanks!
If you're getting in that late you will be sleeping on the front sidewalk!:monkeydan
Any sidewalk! Take your pick.


When you plan on getting into Key Largo. I am going to try, and I use the word try loosely, to leave work at noon that Friday. Figuring 4-5 hours to Key Largo. Time for me to find a cold beer and some seafood.

directions from me??? wow, even smokeaire does not request that!!, this is what Iknow, Neptune inn is at mile marker 104. you are staying in the Dolphin Cottage. the room is under my name, my car and smokeaire's car will be hopefully in front of it. Bob and I should be there around 5pm. thier phone number is 888.251 4813. make lots of noise when you come in, so that we do not think you are a burgler,
make lots of noise when you come in, so that we do not think you are a burgler,

i hear and obey! :wink:

thanks for the info! that's all i need
i hear and obey! :wink:thanks for the info! that's all i need

Hey buddy, glad your coming down! see ya soon... :dazzler1:

Everybody, we are gonna party after wards right!! :wink:
i can't wait, scbababe!

and god yes i hope we party. i'm bringing my tequila. will probably be so sick
after the boat ride i won't even notice the tequila hangover.

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