Keys w/SoCal divers Saturday 8/7

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scubabanker believe it or not no we did our check out dives in a lake and a river . If you can believe this we did not even do any ocean diving till we went to bonaire. I am going to go to a different dive shop then we took lessons from and take advance open water. I am not trying to be crtical of the place we got certified from but I am trying to continue my education because after reading here and different sites i feel like thier is so much more to learn that I did not learn from ow and dont want to go deeper till I feel I know everything that I should[/QUOTE:
Scubabanker, sounds great and its the right thing to do!
You are welcome to join us when you feel you are ready...
See you soon! :wink:
I have a question by the way new to the board and just got back from bonaire Hubby & I are newly certified just got back from diving bonaire and have 25 dives logged is this a trip that would be ok for us to sign up for ? I dont like to go to deep I like diving around 25-30 feet hubby on the other hand has no issues on depth. Would appreciate your feed back positive or negative ? We havent dove any boat dives as yet only shore diving but going to try a boat dive this week with lds.
All of the Florida Conch Divers (and in this case also the So. Cal divers) are my buddies and my pals, and while I'm not one to rain on anyone's parade, both of these wrecks are advanced dives, and please don't assume that merely having an AOW is sufficient. These wrecks are also very crowded and the currents are unpredictable. It's not unusual to see 8 or more divers on the line at one time doing the safety stop, and especially at the Spiegel Grove, if you miss your original mooring line, you may end up stranded until the boat can pick you up. I have dived the Grove 8 times and I've seen too many people (one is too many) either blow their max depth due to N2 narcosis, run out-of-air at their safety stop, come up the wrong line and get picked up by a different boat, or just get blown off the line at the safety stop and end up a drift. Angie, although a BW at the time due to her pregnancy, has seen it also.

Sorry if I sound overly cautious, but I always rather err on the side of caution, even if it is to merely point out the hazzards of a dive site I know.
All of the Florida Conch Divers (and in this case also the So. Cal divers) are my buddies and my pals, and while I'm not one to rain on anyone's parade, both of these wrecks are advanced dives, and please don't assume that merely having an AOW is sufficient. These wrecks are also very crowded and the currents are unpredictable. It's not unusual to see 8 or more divers on the line at one time doing the safety stop, and especially at the Spiegel Grove, if you miss your original mooring line, you may end up stranded until the boat can pick you up. I have dived the Grove 8 times and I've seen too many people (one is too many) either blow their max depth due to N2 narcosis, run out-of-air at their safety stop, come up the wrong line and get picked up by a different boat, or just get blown off the line at the safety stop and end up a drift. Angie, although a BW at the time due to her pregnancy, has seen it also.

Sorry if I sound overly cautious, but I always rather err on the side of caution, even if it is to merely point out the hazzards of a dive site I know.

Point well taken. Experienced that current first hand on the Busch in Looe Key.

I wanted to thank you all for replying . This weekend going with another lds on a boat dive max 50 with an instructor and who is going to be on a ow dive with his class to see if I want to do advance open water with him.
I thought I would let everybody know, I finally got booked for the August 7 am and pm dives.
Ok, newest head count is:
4.FLL Diver
7&8.Mo2vation and Jaye
12.Tony Desanti
Bob (w/ Madeline) BW
With possibles:
Scubaguy62 (BW?)

That should give us sway on the two boats, or one whole one and a number on the "other" boat - how do we split, draw lots?

Any thoughts on dinner that night, suggestions of places beyond the expensive one (which we would need to book a little before going that night) that seemed to sink like a rock! Also, anyone going to sign up to dive on friday morning on the other thread? I still havent heard back from Ken and Jaye about their preferences from the options put out there. Still a couple of weeks to go, but i would like to get plans forming if not complete some time soon :wink:
Any thoughts on dinner that night, suggestions of places beyond the expensive one (which we would need to book a little before going that night) that seemed to sink like a rock! Also, anyone going to sign up to dive on friday morning on the other thread? I still havent heard back from Ken and Jaye about their preferences from the options put out there. Still a couple of weeks to go, but i would like to get plans forming if not complete some time soon :wink:

Make sure it is a place that can comfortably handle a crowd of 10 or more. I know a few places there in Key Largo can't handle a crowd that large comfortably.

Make sure it is a place that can comfortably handle a crowd of 10 or more. I know a few places there in Key Largo can't handle a crowd that large comfortably.

I dont know any places down there, so i am completely at the mercy of the group in this respect :wink:
I wanted to thank you all for replying . This weekend going with another lds on a boat dive max 50 with an instructor and who is going to be on a ow dive with his class to see if I want to do advance open water with him.

Let me chime in with the good advice re: current and diving within the limits of your training and experience. I, too, am a veteran of those and other relatively deep wrecks, and can vouch for Scubaguy62's comments. The AOW course is helpful, but each person hits his/her point of competence differently. Lots of people get luck and have great dives on those two wrecks, but a successful, safe dive means that you've eliminated as many risks as are possible while planning the dive.

Just remember, no matter what you do regarding this trip, that any diver call call any dive at any time for any reason. There's no shame in going out to a site, entering the water, and realizing that it's beyond your limits. Most of us have had to call a dive at one time or other. The most important thing is to return to the surface safely.

You've got some good buddies lined up for this trip. I wish I could join you guys, but family committments must take precedence.

Best wishes and safe ascents,

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