Keys w/SoCal divers Saturday 8/7

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What! Andy, you don't want to do a beach dive on Sunday??

no, i'm just confused... you and simon unconfused me.. if that
is possible.

yes, i'd love to do a beach dive on Sunday.

so, as far as my schedule goes: into Key Largo late on Friday,
two boat trips on Saturday, beach dive on Sunday.


Bonaire was AMAZING. just grab a few tanks and go diving, and
no one cares if you're diving solo. and each dive was just
superb. can't say enough about it.
Don't make me start a thread titled "H2Andy's trip to Bonaire: Trip report".

Hijack over, return to your seats minus your valuables.
Hey guys, has anyone taken a recent head count. Jenn?? Do we now have enough to fill the 2nd boat?... So we may let Brian know with due time.
Well, let's see...Mike can't make it :frown: But Angie is. :dazzler1: . So, that means Mike is no longer our trip planner, does that mean I need to sorta, kinda, keep ya'll in line instead of M? Hmm. Tough crowd here!
The line up...
FLL Diver
SmokeAire (staring at a really fine hat)
Mo2vation and Jaye

Gee, I thought there were more...anybody signed up that's not on the list?
So far the itenerairy (sp)
Friday- Dive, Eat
Saturday- Drive, Dive, Eat, Dive, Drive. (try saying that 5 times real fast)
Sunday - Dive, Eat, Dive. Party at MIkes...Um Mike, can I borrow the keys? :eyebrow: Otherwise, I heard this rumor that Marvel throws grand parties. Marvel, you are diving with us right? My redheaded stepchild friend...
but if the RHSC, is a no show, we can always BBQ at my house or something....yikes, did I say that??
Well, let's see...Mike can't make it :frown: But Angie is. :dazzler1: .The line up...
FLL Diver
SmokeAire (staring at a really fine hat)
Mo2vation and Jaye
Gee, I thought there were more...anybody signed up that's not on the list?

Don't forget Scubaguy62.. and I can be your administrative assistant, I'll help you carry the burden of telling everybody what to do and when to do it ! :dazzler1:
Oh Cool! Scubaguy can join us? Great! But who will watch the kids? :06: (just kidding Rick...really.... :wink: )
SNIP...Sunday - Dive, Eat, Dive. Party at MIkes...Um Mike, can I borrow the keys? :eyebrow: Otherwise, I heard this rumor that Marvel throws grand parties. Marvel, you are diving with us right? My redheaded stepchild friend...
LOL or isn't it time for Grier's housewarming? We'd make it REAL warm, Grear!

Marvel's party was a blast. They actually brought awnings and covered the entire patio! I think Marvel did 5 dives and the record for the day was 6. Those 'singles' really DIVE when they go to dive parties... what a concept!

I'm so sad that I'm going to miss the whole weekend. If there was any way...
I'm so sad that I'm going to miss the whole weekend. If there was any way...
come back for the weekend??

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