Keep Alan Knappenburger in your thoughts

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Pretty remarkable for all our scuba divers. We came out and supported one of our own. It was a great cause with a great result in donations. I am extremely proud to be a Texas Swamp Diver today. :D


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Oh! My God! I have never seen that picture before! I heard the stories! Unfortunately, I was out of town that night. I have not seen that picture before. Thanks Debra!

Alan, you rock! Get well soon buddy. We miss you! We need you!
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I don't think he'll be dancing on any tables in the near future but he had a better day yesterday. Here is a recent email from Bonnie.

Hi to all,
Well Alan had a good day today!!! yea God, he was up in the chair when I arrived this morning and had eaten a good breakfast according to his nurse!
Had just finished using his electric shaver and brushing his teeth and did he ever look so much better, like a new person compared to the last 2 days!!
The Docs said that the fluid in his pleural cavity was the source of infection which spread into his bloodstream.
It is draining out via the chest tube and he is continued on the antibiotics in his iv.
He worked a short while with P.T. and O.T during the day and then they moved him to a regular trauma floor late this afternoon.
He wanted to get back into the lounge chair when we arrived so he did well with his walker trying hard to remember that he cannot put weight on his left foot at all due to his pelvic/sacral fractures.
He did eat a little bit of food for supper and is really good about using his breathing exercise devices to expand his lungs and break up any congestion.
What an amazing turn around once they attacked that infection!! We are all so very thankful to the Lord in taking Alan around his healing hands and guiding us to a beacon of cheerful light!!
He is still in the lounger but will probably head back to bed soon, I ran downstairs to eat supper and stopped to send this good news!!
Thanks again for all your thoughts, prayers and well wishes, God bless, Bonny and Alan
I'm praying that no news is good news!
I know, I just keep watching for updates. It's been 5 days since the last one. I keep thinking no news is good news. I will feel better once I know he is home.
I talked with Alan on the Phone Sunday. He sounds better and while he still has a ways to go he's getting there. Here is and email I got from Bonnie yesterday.

Hello from Minnesota,
We are hanging in there and patiently waiting for the say from the pulmonary Docs as to when they are going to pull Alans chest tube. He went down to Radiology for a chest Xray and then a short while later, a CT scan of the chest.
The Trauma team stopped by twice today and said the Ct scan shows the infection is getting smaller and maybe the Pulm team will pull it tomorrow.
He is doing better, pain management wise and memory is improving also!!!
He works with P.T. and O.T. as much as they are allowed while he is up on this floor, Twice a day for about 20 minutes each time.
His appetite is picking up some and they are happy about that for healing benefits.
We have been passing some of the time with magazines and a few small puzzles. He tries to stay up out of the bed most of the day, so he will be tired for the night.
Iam doing well, I slept in at the motel today, I did not realize I was that tired, when the alarm went off I hit snooze a couple of time and then the third time, just turned it off.!!! It felt good to snooze a couple of more hours!!!
Alan says hello to everyone and that he is getting stronger and determined to get going to head home to Texas as soon as they let him!!!
God bless to all and will email in a day or so!!! Bonny and Alan
Well, that's the first update I have read that I haven't burst into tears. I have been so upset about Alan's accident since it happened. I just keep thinking about he and I standing behind the counter of the dive shop just shooting the breeze. Alan is funny, sensitive, smart, and a very caring human being.

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