Hello from Portugal! My husband and I have lived in Porto for about three years (I'm American and he's Romanian), and are ready to move to more tropical climes (Not Caribbean). We have a retired friend (diver) in the Philippines (Dauin) who raves about where he has retired. We also talk to every Expat Cruise director, dive guide or videographer about their favorite places in Asia that they have called home. We have dived several locations in Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Solomon Islands, Palau, Yap, and Fiji. At this point we are sailing on two LOB trips each year (min.10 day cruise). We have the means to dive more often, but really want to cut out the 12+ hour flight from Europe, just to get into the neighborhood. The options as we see them from conversations with many people are Bali, Malaysia (Penang), or Philippines. Leaning more towards Malaysia because of their Visa program MMSH. I am retired and my husband works remotely. We really want to do this while we are young (both under 60). Really only looking for first hand experiences or second hand (ie, a good friend of yours lives there). Please no rumors, or friend of a friend of a friend......... 
Thanks in advance for the information!

Thanks in advance for the information!