Well, OP pulled down her avatar and seems to have bailed, at least temporarily. Sorry to see that.. I think most criticism here has been constructive.
As the father of two attractive daughters, I feel somewhat qualified to comment here a little..
1) Posting "Women Only" will just about guarantee MOST men will be reading this thread. Probably just because we are all mostly clueless and are desperate for any insight..
2) From a 1"x1" avatar, the op looks like a charming young lady. Surely are not surprised you got some attention here.
3) I've had this theme validated by the three women closest to me, so here goes.. There is a very fine line between stalker and romantic flame. That line is most clearly defined by how much the woman in question appreciates said pursuer. If its Brad Pitt,, Maybe he can get away with the hard sell.. For the rest of us beasties, you better tread lightly, or your might just get the tazer..
This can be confusing for guys, because media has fed us for years on images of men aggressively pursuing their girl until she is eventually won over. You don't have to like my point.. but there it is. Not an excuse for knuckle headed dudes who can't take a hint..
4) I find myself actually resisting contact, or reaching out to women on the forum, especially the younger ones.. Just because am aware of how many women get unwanted attention. ..But I doubt anyone will be offended by that..