Having a great trip! In Coz now, about midway through our trip, weather has been perfect. Nice to see the Lion fish almost gone from the regular dive sites, still manage to snag a straggler here or there, but nothing like 3-5 years ago...
Our Divemaster mentioned today, that they have had a very large influx of people move here from the mainland, and crime is increasing pretty dramatically (his point of view being a 50something native of the island). Particularly, "banditos" on motorcycles. He told us several stories about them snatching bags and loose phones, etc while driving by on a motorcycles. In most cases the crime is targeted at the locals, but some tourists have also been robbed. In one case a local girl had her purse/bag taken from her while on her bicycle. This caused her to have a broken arm, and a pretty bad case of road rash on her face. I understand that this has been exacerbated by a large number of police being fired due to corruption after the last mayor was finally ousted.
Sigh... seems like nothing lasts... We've been more observant, not staying out as late, but haven't altered our habits too much yet. Just be safe out there!