Is one dive computer enough for 4 divers?

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There are lots of things to think about in a dive computer and there is no real rush to buy one today (tables really do work). Things to consider:
a) Your budget;
b) Air Integrated or not;
c) Downloadable or not;
d) Nitrox or not
e) Wrist or hose.

That should help narrow down the list. Next, take a look at the computers still left. Is the display what you want? Are the numbers big enough and laid out well? Do you like a user changeable battery? A scratch guard that can be replaced? Do you want an electronic compass? What happens when the computer goes into Deco mode?

A pretty nice computer can be had for not much more than $200. The more features you add, the more the cost. I will use the Suunto line and prices from LP solely to illustrate.

There is the Gekko a well regarded basic computer that also does Nitrox. $225 wrist mount. Make it a console mount with a SPG and it is $300. If you go with the Vyper (also has a gauge mode and more dive planning options), the prices are $300/$350. For $500 is the original Cobra (air integrated, console, downloadable but at an extra cost). For $800 you can get the Vyper Air Integrated wrist mount. And you top out the Suunto line at about $1500.

You asked about wrist vs hose. Wrist is probably easiest to check (especially if you use a camera). Consoles don't get lost or forgotten as easily. OTOH, it is easier to swap out a malfunctioning reg with a new one if you don't have to swap hoses (for the dive computer). Personally, I would avoid attaching a wrist mount to the BC.

For me, it was a console based computer. I didn't want to misplace/forget/drop during a dive my computer. I liked air integrated so that narrowed my options further and I ended up with the Cobra. But the Gekko is still a simple high quality computer that I wouldn't hesitate to use.
Things to consider:
a) Your budget;
b) Air Integrated or not;
c) Downloadable or not;
d) Nitrox or not
e) Wrist or hose.

I think that D shouldn't be even something to consider. With so small difference in pricing go with Nitrox compatible. It will pay off soon after you want to extend your bottom time or just do multiple dives.

Rest is personal reference. I went with non air integrated console (Veo 180nx) for starters for several reasons. It fit my budget, it is downloadable (I am a computer geek and I like to download diving profile), it is nitrox capable, and console is good for my forgetful mind :) plus I knew I will be buying another computer in next couple of years and I wanted to have a decent backup computer and Veo was just what I needed. (Added Suunto D9 4 months later.)
Wow, I guess I've been introduced to the board, thanks for the answers. As I mentioned I am taking the course in a few weeks as a refresher with the family. Looking forward to getting back in the water.

I will NOT miss Chapter 5 in the PADI manual. :wink:

I have all the I-net sites bookmarked as well as the review sites for equipment. I didn't think my question would be 6 pages in answers but thanks again for all the input.

One more on this topic..........I've read some like the wrist DC some like the in-line DC hooked to the tank. Knowing my girls like one poster mentioned, he resorted to zip clips on their BC for a wrist model.

Any benefits from one to the other over the lost factor of a wrist version?

Can you download any of the hose models to a PC?

You've definitely gotten a good dose of the board. It is a good place here, most of the time. You'll learn to tune out the "noise". :)

Rather than zip tie it, I'd get a decent bungeed wrist mount. It's much easier to glance at the gauge on your wrist than have to retrieve it from the BCD.

Wrist mount :thumbs-up

Just be careful asking about Spare Air. :wink:


Be sure to let us know how it goes with your daughters. I got my one son to dive with me a few times then he found out about women. It was down-hill after that. Maybe he will come back to the light someday :wink:
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Rather than zip tie it, I'd get a decent bungeed wrist mount. It's much easier to glance at the gauge on your wrist than have to retrieve it from the BCD.

Yep but at that point you might have to work backwards and find which models have bungeed mounts available. Unfortunately the ones I had for my girls didn't have nice DeepSea Supply mounts. :( So I did the next best thing. :wink:
I just keep my Ruger .44 Mag Stainless on the counter when the boys come over! I think it's retribution for my days at FSU :wink: Of course they are both blond, 4.0 GPA and Beautiful. I hope this gives them a sport they will stick with, I'm running reef dives on a loop in the living room too!
I just keep my Ruger .44 Mag Stainless on the counter when the boys come over! I think it's retribution for my days at FSU :wink: Of course they are both blond, 4.0 GPA and Beautiful. I hope this gives them a sport they will stick with, I'm running reef dives on a loop in the living room too!


Well I was a good girl so I don't know what I'm getting paid back for :whistling:
Not sure how to respond, but your profile is impressive, a lot of dives. I hope to get to that level someday.
Spare Air? That sounds cool! I just filled up an empty soda bottle with some and capped it off. I should be good now; at least once I figure out how to breath off of it underwater that is! :wink:

All joking aside though,.....

Where's the joke?

Spare Air (tm) is essentially a small soda bottle...that someone managed to fit regulator too...and market!
Not sure how to respond, but your profile is impressive, a lot of dives. I hope to get to that level someday.

Thanks but not so much really. I once thought the same as you. The more you dive with good divers the more you learn. I once thought I'd know a lot by now. Now that just seems hysterical to me.

Once you are around here a bit, you will find the "real" divers. Those with sage advice/guidance and as I said before you will tune out the "noise". If ya listen to them they will steer ya down the right path and ultimately save you a ton of money in the end. For instance you won't be buying all those gadgets at the store like the clip and pull do-dahs.

Seriously though, no spare air, that little yellow bottle :no:. Do a search for kicks and read some of the threads. Definite :popcorn: material. :D
Back in the day they taught us to just pass the one reg that was working back and forth for 2 breaths each, you kids have it too easy :) Octo's, Air2's on the BCD's. I do love the new technology with DC's, think I will go with the wrist version with a safty strap.

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