Is it time for another gathering?

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Aww Man.............
We can't make it!! :banghead: (well sorta)
Have to catch a 7:10am flight out of DFW, arrive Grand Cayman Island at 12:42pm.
But, I promise I will think about ya'll!! :D
Pppbbbbttttththhh!!! :11ztongue :D
this isn't looking real good.....
Dee:'s just gonna be ScubaTexan, Tx.lakerats, me and Beast, maybe Tony and Brenda and maybe some friends of ours from here?

Melanie (meloknee) and I might be able to make it that day... will have to talk to her...
JUST AN IDEA---- this is not a change of 7/30 date for the Swampers event....but if better for more divers the group could always set-up next to the SIS gathering on the 24th. instead of the 30th. date---again this is JUST A THOUGHT????. More the merrier.....................Surface Interval Scuba-- 'Divers Day Out'
Sunday,July 24, 2005!!
The official date of the Swampers event is still the 30th.,,,,but it does look like not to many can make this date,,,,so the above is just an alternative idea. The Swampers could still have their gathering but maybe do it when some of it group will be in attendence at the SIS Divers Day Out....??????

PS---everyone can comment....I will not be able to make the 30th. date and Dee indicated the divers that could looked few,,,,,hope this does not confuse everyone.....just trying to help out with an alternative idea.
JUST AN IDEA---- this is not a change of 7/30 date for the Swampers event....but if better for more divers the group could always set-up next to the SIS gathering on the 24th. instead of the 30th. date---again this is JUST A THOUGHT????.

That would be better for me an melanie... and my mom (rimward) will be there on the 24th too (i think)

But if plans dont change, i might still be able to come on the 30th
Dee:'s just gonna be ScubaTexan, Tx.lakerats, me and Beast, maybe Tony and Brenda and maybe some friends of ours from here?

We'll never be able to accomodate everyone at the same time. It's just impossible. I know -- I've tried several times and it cannot be done. We'll have just as much fun, no matter how many we get out there that day.
I might be able to at least come hang out on the 24th, but will have to see how I'm feeling. Mr. Foo will probably be ready to get in some dives by then!
Ken, ya forgot to count me! :chicken:

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