Is it OK to buy used equipment?

Do you buy used equipment?

  • Yes, it is OK to buy anything used as long as it has been maintained properly

    Votes: 98 79.0%
  • Yes, but only certain items that aren't vital to life support

    Votes: 18 14.5%
  • No - I only buy new equipment

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters

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Phoenix, AZ USA
I've seen debates rage on this board regarding purchasing from an LDS or on-line. But I haven't seen anybody ask the question "is it OK to buy used equipment"?

I recently purchased my first used scuba gear -- a Scubapro Ladyhawk BC. I was going to buy my wife a new BC, but when I did an on-line search, I found this wonderful place in Hawaii called the "Jadeboard". On that board was a bunch of dive gear for sale, and of course an ad for a Scubapro Ladyhawk that matched my search.

I e-mailed back and forth with the seller and asked a bunch of questions before buying. The woman claimed the BC was only used a few times because it didn't fit her right. She bought a Seaquest Diva instead and was selling the Scubapro BC.

At $250 plus shipping, it was a great buy. So I took a risk and bough sight unseen. But the BC showed up yesterday and was just as promised -- great condition. Maybe I got lucky. Maybe this is the norm. I really can't say as I don't have enough knowlege of the used marketplace. That's why I am posting this poll.

So are you for or against buying used equipment? And if you would buy used, would you only buy from somebody local or would you buy long distance (such as Ebay or other classified boards)? And if you would buy used equipment, would you consider buying *anything* used or are there certain items you would *not* purchase used (such as BC or regulator)?

Lastly, I'm just curious to find out one more thing. For those of you who think it is OK to buy used equipment, are you also in favor of on-line dive shops? To me the argument is the same -- either you are supporting your LDS or you aren't, and whether you buy used equipment or on-line equipment, you are in essence not supporting your local vendor. I wonder if my opinions are shared by others...

What's with the obsession about "supporting your LDS"?

Why do some people seem to think that every time I pay for something scuba related, my LDS deserves a nice big cut?

They're a business, a store. If they didn't have anything to do with my purchase, they deserve exactly nada for it.

Anyway, buying used gear is fine. If you bought a reg, I'd suggest taking it in for a yearly maintenance at the LDS. If you bought a BC, give it a good look over, test it for leaks, check the valves. Buy a tank, get a visual. Buy some fins... well, make sure they fit or something.

Your experience buying the BC is not unusual. It *is* the norm.

Best of luck in your purchases and diving :)
dgangi once bubbled...

Lastly, I'm just curious to find out one more thing. For those of you who think it is OK to buy used equipment, are you also in favor of on-line dive shops? To me the argument is the same -- either you are supporting your LDS or you aren't, and whether you buy used equipment or on-line equipment, you are in essence not supporting your local vendor. I wonder if my opinions are shared by others...


I think you will find most dive shops are happy to make a profit selling used equipment also. They may keep it in the back room where it doesn't attract as much attention, but most of them deal used stuff. That's usually where they unload their training gear when it starts to look too ratty.

Oh - my answer to your ??? I shop around and find the best deal for me. That often takes me to an online dive shop.
jonnythan sums it up pretty well.

in short, I see no reason as why not to consider buying used. Buying used is just antoher way to purchase gear depending on your needs regarding service or support.

my experiecne of buying my tanks, regs, gloves from a friends brother wnet well. I did a bunch of research and asked questions to come up with a fair price.

I had the tanks Hydroed and VIS and the regs serviced and encountered no problems.

the local classifieds are also a good source of gear which gives you the ability to see the gear and look it over. You might even be able to purchase it contigent on the item passing the apporpriate inspection from the LDS.
I think it all depends on what the equipment is. Personally I wouldn't want a used regulator. :worried:
Unless you personally know who the first owner of it is, then you don't know if it's jacked up or not. There's too many people out there who will tell you it's in perfect condition and then you find out it's not.
I'd been certified for a while, and did A LOT of research on equipment. I had a number of makes and models on the "short list," and shopped around for the best price. Unfortunately, the total bill was more than I could swallow (or justify to the Mrs.), so I was faced with either putting off key pieces of equipment, or finding an alternative.

Our LDS has a "flea market" each year, during which they sell old, functional stuff (tired rental BCs, suits, etc.), and encourage their patrons to come set up shop in their parking lot to sell stuff. One of the shop's employees had recently landed a position as a divemaster in New Guinea (tough duty!), and was selling his "tech" BC because it didn't pack as easily as his Malibu RDS. I checked it out, and it was in great shape, had the features I was looking for (weight-integrated, back-inflation), and came with add-on bands for doubles. I got for about half what I would've spent on it new. He unloaded something that he couldn't bring with him, and I got a good BC that I am happy with. This also allowed me to focus on getting the reg & computer that I wanted.

So, to make a long story longer, I think that if you know where the gear is coming from, and it has been faithfully serviced, used stuff is a good way for newbies to acquire.
MissAmberDiva once bubbled...
I think it all depends on what the equipment is. Personally I wouldn't want a used regulator. :worried:

Speaking of used regs -- the LDS I used on a recent vacation makes everyone buy a mouthpiece for their rental reg -- one which they must detach and take along afterward. I'd never seen that done, but thought it was a good idea (and which also made me glad that I had my own gear & didn't have to swap mouthpieces...).
Very much so, I bought a used BC and Reg set-up in 99 for 100.00 that had only been use 3 times. I added about 60 plus dives on it and it is still in very good shape today. I think I got a really good deal out of it.

Rich :mean:
Literally every piece of gear I use except for my Suunto Cobra, Olympus digicam + housing, fins and, umm, safety sausage has been bought 2nd-hand, mostly online too. Through this route I managed to get a Halcyon 27lb set-up for US$250, Apeks TX-50 for US$150, Stinger for US$250, wetsuit for US$10, Oceanic Shadow mask for US$15, etc etc... I think I've done pretty well all told, saved myself EASILY 30-60% in total. And I've never had a bum deal as far as equipment condition goes.

I do actually have more moral misgivings about buying from an online retailer as compared to an individual selling off used stuff. While with diveinn or leisurepro you're not giving your LDS the chance to compete on an equal level (I realise that LP is a brick-and-mortar but its online shop gives it extensive reach with minimal overheads; of course your LDS could just as easily do the same), when buying off eBay or online classifieds its barter that no one can surely have objections to.

Having said that, if I can save the $$ I'd buy online. Because its economics, man, and also where I am the situation wrt LDS is slightly different...
I buy most everything used, alot comes from E-Bay, some from local classifieds, etc. I've been very happy with most of my purchases.. As far as used regs. goes, the last 2 times I rented a set from my LDS they both leaked! Only 1 set that I bought online leaked, and a slight adjustment took care of that. I just received a drysuit today that I purchased online, and it's great (except that it's to small) :(:( anyone need a seatec drysuit? I've bought: regs, guages, computer, wetsuits, bc's, gloves, knives, hoods, vests, etc. and all in all I saved a ton.....besides, my LDS charges astonomical <sp> prices for the same things..(of course you can actually hold them before you buy them).

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