Old school Navy tables, 15min at 130' with 60fpm ascent is 1 min of deco at 10'. Not saying you could get away with it, but I would work like hell to stay under 60fpm and a better than average chance I could dodge a chamber ride. 20 min at depth was 4min of deco. It's not how things are done now, but I lived by those tables for forty years or so till I bought a computer, this included deco diving.
Just by his quote from the article:
"They were young and wanted to "push the limits", Rich Osborn, then 21, admits. But they were experienced and well-practised at this level."
If they were experienced at 40m and wanted to push their limits, they were either going to do some serious deco at 40m or go for a personal best depth, the latter would be my guess. BTDT.
I believe two, Rich as one, went for their personal best and came back with a planned LOA. The two waiting divers used more air than planned, and by the time the meeting was over (if writing can be believed, so can narcosis) the record setting divers were OOA followed closely by the waiting divers on the ascent.
Had the "safety" divers waited shallower and immediately grabbed their assigned diver and headed up at 60fpm to 60' and 30fpm to 10' and ran the tanks dry they may have pulled it off. Not good planning, but...
Not saying that I haven't done some stupid s**t diving, but so far my dive plans have had enough thought to avoid major injury. When in doubt, I go solo.