I have my fingers crossed that Santa Rosa will get it right, but there is probably not much chance of that. There are so many potential problems with this that I hardly know where to start. When you look at what the city has done with BH so far it doesn't look good. Here are just a few of my concerns:
- There is no mention of a yearly permit in the plans
- If my non-diving wife comes with me (which she does a few times a year), she is now going to have to pay to get in to stand there with nothing to do
- Staffing and hours seem way out of whack. They have 2 people listed to staff the dive shop. The hours for Saturday (for example) are 9am to midnight (opens at 7am now). Either those are going to be insanely long days for those 2 people, or there will only be one person there at a time (more likely). That means at 9am on many Saturdays you are going to have 80-100+ divers trying to get in through the building (monumentally stupid idea) to buy their permits from the one employee, who will also be manning the dive shop and filling tanks?
- I hate hearing that some of this has already been decided, or there are "dead set" against certain things. I can dig that they want to improve things, and make some money, but you don't do that by making things so difficult that you alienate your customers.
- Many of the improvements and upgrades to the hole have been put off for lack of funding, some I'm sure will happen later, and some probably won't. There was talk of many things to help ease the overcrowding... such as creating the connected "pool" area off to the side, moving the outflow, widening the current steps and/or adding a second set of steps. None of this has been done, and the money was not approved. So now we are talking about this huge marketing campaign to get more people to come to the hole, to do what? Stand in 2 really long lines instead of the one congested one we have now? Basically they are trying to get much more traffic to the hole, but be open less often.
- I'm sure I must be reading this one wrong... They are going to have Blue Hole open 7 days a week DURING THE SUMMER ONLY, and 9-5 fri-mon the entire rest of the year? Jesus.. right now atleast it is open 7-7 (later for night diving). That is a step in the wrong direction, which equals less diving opportunity for more money and more hassle.
- This idea of taking everything through the building sounds like a complete cluster. Do people in SR really have no idea of how much gear the average diver/instructor/dive shop brings with them? I can't think of any other equipment intensive sport that does such a thing. Imagine if skiing were that way. Everyone on the mountain has to take themselves and all their gear in and out through one building.
- It sounds like some of the folks there are concerned that divers are not paying for permits. Pretty much every diver I know would be happy to pay IF THERE WAS A WAY FOR THEM TO PAY. Seems like there is some attitude/animosity coming from the city that divers are trying to rip them off, but it seems to not occur to them that there is no one there to sell the permits. Just having someone there to sell the permits would make this almost a non-issue.
That is just the start of the gripes I have, I really hope that someone from SR will read this.
But, for all my griping, I can understand that they want to put this new center in and they need money and to raise the rates to do it. I don't mind paying more, I really don't. Right now I buy an annual permit every year for $25, and I would even be ok with paying $100 or maybe more for an annual permit. But what I mind is paying more for less (as in shortened hours and min $100 for night dives outside of summer) AND being hugely inconvienced by nonsensical ideas like trying to funnel everyone through the dive shop. I don't really care about most of what they are putting in, I don't need meeting rooms, etc. Of all the stuff they had listed, I would probably use the snackbar every once in a while, and the restrooms, that is it. If it is going to be as described here, I will proabaly not dive there as much, and will save my money for short trips to places that have better diving and are more dive friendly, such as So. Cal., Catalina, FL, Coz, etc.
Anyway, it is late and I have rambled on for too long