I want a cool BC

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Scuba once bubbled...

Or good about DIR.

What difference does it make. Most of us are hear to share ideas and learn from those ideas to be better divers. Whether its PADI's or NAUI's or GUE's or DIR or any particular person.

Some of you think its perfectly alright to spread your messege everywhere, and we should just accept it or change the channel. Well, some of us are also going to decide to spread our messege and fire back. So learn to deal with it.

DIR adherents or wannabe's started it - only they can ended.

And please don't play poor o'le victim. Your "real" DIR leaders have taught you well when it comes to insults and demeaning those who disagree or question your beliefs. Along with a good portion of unsubstantiated braggadocio.

You started it - only you can end it.

By the way, who's going to apologize to the Taliban.

I believe that I may be the one who you are speaking of. I believe that I was the first one to protest the use of comparing DIR divers to the Taliban.

What I would like to know, is what did we start? This ruckus was not started by someone coming in and saying "You will die in a BC!!! You must dive BP/Wings because JJ, my personal lord and savior, said so!!!" It was started by someones off the wall comment and comparison. You see, I have a probelm with the epidemic going around today. People now a days seem to use the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and terrorism to try to further any cause they have. Just look at the recent illogical use of trying to compare SUV owners to terrosist supporters. That just makes me want to buy yet another SUV to sit next to my Jeep Grand Cherokee. Now we have seen this "movement" rear it's ugly head into SCUBA diving. I do not like it.

I am a very vocal and direct person, if I see something that disgusts me, I will call you on it. That statement disgusted me, so I called him on it. That simple. I did not take it as a personal attack, I took it as an illogical uninformed statement from an illogical uniformed person. Oh and how I love trying to make the illogical people in this world try to use fact to back up there statements. It is one of my great pleasures in life. That is why I so love debating the most intelligent, know it all, logically thinking group in America, college students. That is another subject all together though.

I will not apologize for calling him out, but I will apologize to the original poster that this thread got so out of hand.
Dectek once bubbled...
You mean the gift shop on the Britannic is still open?...wow what a devoted staff!

Sorry....the devil made me do it.

Oh, and this above statement was pretty damn funny! :D
JamesK wrote...
I believe that I may be the one who you are speaking of. I believe that I was the first one to protest the use of comparing DIR divers to the Taliban.
Wow, you mean I was being too subtle for once?


JamesK wrote...
Just look at the recent illogical use of trying to compare SUV owners to terrosist supporters. That just makes me want to buy yet another SUV to sit next to my Jeep Grand Cherokee.
I was with you right up until this point.
JamesK once bubbled...
Don't tell me you agree with those people!?!?!?! :confused: :eek:
I'm not sure what it is they're saying, so I can't answer that accurately.

However, there is a segment of society that treats SUVs as the 21st century avatar of the Eighties' conspicuous consumption. That's why you see $60,000 SUVs fully tricked out cruising the suburbs, with little or no prospect of ever leaving the roadway in the product's lifetime.

During all that time, the vehicle is burning roughly twice as much gasoline as a car with equivalent capacity, causing twice the pollution, and meanwhile sending twice as much money abroad to regimes hostile to democracy. And don't forget that fossil fuels and clean air are finite resources.

I don't have a problem with those who actually need SUVs for poor road or off-road conditions. That's what they're there for. But this conspicious consumption stuff strikes me as little more than the 21st century version of gluttony.

Sorry for getting offtrack here, but I'm not even certain what that is in this thread anymore.

Well, you sound like you might like them. They have two commercials out. They are the brain child of some wacko named Arianna Huffington, who by the way needs a labotomy. the commercials go something like thiw

"This is George. This is the gas George buys for his SUV. This is oil compnay executive that gets rich from the gas George buys for his SUV. These are the countries that the gas comes from. These are the terrorists that get money from the countries that sell the gas that George puts in his SUV. Does your SUV Support Terrorism?"


"I hijacked a plane. I bombed a building. But what if I want to go off-road?"

Lunacy! By this womens logic, anyone who buys gas period supports terrorism. But I guess that is OK if you only support it half as much as I do. This great thinker of the 21st century, in an interview, acknowledges that she does not fly commercial, she uses her private jet to galavant around the country. Well, I guess it is ok to fly your private jet, which uses much more fuel then my SUV, as long as you don't actually drive an SUV. By her "logic" anyone who drives anywhere supports terrorism. Of course, then anyone who uses ANY oil based product supports terrorism. She is also against drilling in our country for our own oil to get rid of foreign dependance on oil.

One of her myrmidons was on Fox News the other day, and when asked what he drives he said a mercedes! Wow! The model of guel efficency! However, that was OK because he is ordering a Toyota Prius, and will not drive the mercedes as much.

Complete idiocy.

I am all for trying to come up with more fuel efficient vehicles, but l can't fit all of my dive gear into my Honda. Besides, if i did not have the SUV, I would have a full size pickup, which is just abs bad if not worse on fuel mileage.
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...
As I recall, Arianna Huffington is a close Bubba buddy. What would you expect?

You sir, are correct!
JamesK wrote...
Of course, then anyone who uses ANY oil based product supports terrorism. She is also against drilling in our country for our own oil to get rid of foreign dependance on oil.
Reducing our wasteage/improving our energy efficiency first seems more logical than merely changing sources. It lowers total and unit fuel costs, it reduces pollution, it reduces monetary outflow to anathematic regimes, and allows us to keep our own unexploited reserves for a real emergency (chronic, not a spike).

I don't agree with the active link to terrorism, but there seems to be an indirect one. Nor do I agree with the apparent hypocrisy of the people you cited.

JamesK wrote...
I am all for trying to come up with more fuel efficient vehicles, but l can't fit all of my dive gear into my Honda. Besides, if i did not have the SUV, I would have a full size pickup, which is just abs bad if not worse on fuel mileage.
Ever considered towing a U-haul? :wink:

Totally unrelated to the current subject: how much dive gear do you travel with anyway? I can stuff all my gear in the trunk of my little two-door, including doubles and two AL80s. Are you the lucky owner of a Gavin?

If/when I ever get a scooter, I think I'll have to look at fuel-efficient light trucks for dive trips, but nothing larger than that. Use nothing bigger than what you need....sounds like a DIR driving principle, doesn't it? :wink:

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