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MikeS wrote...
I’m not saying that the response was unprovoked; and I don’t even want to get into the position of defending kpauley. All I’m saying is to this point he has made no personal insults whatsoever; and yet he is personally under attack.
"Nazi" and "Taliban" are fighting words where I come from. Such disgraceful behavior has no place on scubaboard, IMHO.

MikeS wrote...
And no one person is responsible, to many including myself, it seems like if you make any remark that doesn’t sit well with “the DIR crowd,” you are attacked by the mob.
People who live in glass houses....


Your point is well taken; however, I believe that you are overstating the degree of attack and the reasons for it.

The basis for my claims about KPauley is found in his posts.

I was not attacking his girlfriend and, indeed, will edit that out as soon as I'm done with this post in order to avoid any suggestion of a personal attack on her.

My other statements stand. KPauley made snotty comments about DIR. I'm not stupid enough to confuse DIR divers with the Taliban (You dive with one, You napalm the other, right?) or to take it personally.

However, I am sick to death of people whose sole knowledge of DIR is gathered second or third hand from questionable sources and who insist on attacking it. Its slightly annoying. Probably not, however, as annoying as being the subject of an ad hominem attack. Let that be a lesson for the future.

As for the comments about diving with him, KPauley opened that door when he stated that he wouldn't want to dive with DIR divers. Oh, well, what goes around comes around.

Most of the DIR divers on this Board, including me, are happy to share their knowledge of the system and debate its merits without resorting to snide remarks. I've tried to so the same in response to polite questions. I'm not an expert, but I'll do my best.

However, as even UP pointed out, the constant whining about DIR is getting tiresome.

Besides, remember the golden rule. Do unto others or they are very likely to do worse to you. Alternatively, look at Metridium's signature line for my philosophy on the matter. That about sums it up.
leadweight once bubbled...

I am not a DIR diver, nor am I interested in being one. This is my informed choice. IMO, DIR and backplates are being overpromoted to recreational divers in this forum.

However, the comparison of DIR to the Taliban is so obviously off the wall that all one needed to say is that they would not dignify the comment by responding to it directly. This debate is excessive and counterproductive to all forms of safe diving.

I respect your opinion and I am glad that you are here to voice it. I think that it is a good thing that some people here advocate the BP and some don't. This allows people asking questions to get both sides of the equation. I don't agree when either side of the debate gets cruel or rude.

As to your second point you will note that I didn't respond to the comment but I understand why some would feel the need to. If any group of people are referred to as a group that has done and/or promoted terrible acts (i.e. Nazi's or Taliban) it is an awful insult and people will respond when being insulted. This is especially true if the person responding has been directly affected by one of these groups in the past.

I realize that as far as I can recall you personally have always been respectful in your posts and I appreciate that. I am all for discussion and respectful disagreement.

Dive Safe.

leadweight once bubbled...

I am not a DIR diver, nor am I interested in being one. This is my informed choice. IMO, DIR and backplates are being overpromoted to recreational divers in this forum.

I'm curious why. Is there something in DIR or BP&W that you feel is inappropriate for recreational level diving?
Next time someone says something bad about DIR, try ignoring them.

Or good about DIR.

What difference does it make. Most of us are hear to share ideas and learn from those ideas to be better divers. Whether its PADI's or NAUI's or GUE's or DIR or any particular person.

Some of you think its perfectly alright to spread your messege everywhere, and we should just accept it or change the channel. Well, some of us are also going to decide to spread our messege and fire back. So learn to deal with it.

DIR adherents or wannabe's started it - only they can ended.

And please don't play poor o'le victim. Your "real" DIR leaders have taught you well when it comes to insults and demeaning those who disagree or question your beliefs. Along with a good portion of unsubstantiated braggadocio.

You started it - only you can end it.

By the way, who's going to apologize to the Taliban.
I am not against anyone being a DIR diver, but I am an active recreational diver and I don't find it all that useful for me. When I go diving in the usual warm water locations that I prefer, I rarely see anyone using a BP. Guess what, these divers are happy as clams in their jackets and no one is having problems. The worst thing that seems to happen to anyone are bites from those stupid no-see-ums.

There is no way that I could get by using tabels as required by DIR instead of a computer.

Not too long ago there was a thread in this forum where several members took the position that BP's are not the best choice for warm water recreational divers and several other members did not agree with them. There is no point in rehashing that thread.

Just a question for the DIR crowd, does DIR require diving dry, or is that something I imagined from a thread I saw somewhere?
leadweight once bubbled...
I am not against anyone being a DIR diver, but I am an active recreational diver and I don't find it all that useful for me. When I go diving in the usual warm water locations that I prefer, I rarely see anyone using a BP. Guess what, these divers are happy as clams in their jackets and no one is having problems. The worst thing that seems to happen to anyone are bites from those stupid no-see-ums.

There is no way that I could get by using tabels as required by DIR instead of a computer.

Not too long ago there was a thread in this forum where several members took the position that BP's are not the best choice for warm water recreational divers and several other members did not agree with them. There is no point in rehashing that thread.

Just a question for the DIR crowd, does DIR require diving dry, or is that something I imagined from a thread I saw somewhere?

Well, I don't know about the first point. I just got back from Grand Cayman. Most of us, including a couple of the locals, were in BP/Wings. It looked like a Halcyon convention.

I'm not disputing that people can be perfectly happy in gear that is not DIR. I've said in other posts that, IMHO, the most important part of DIR is the philosophy rather than the gear. The philosophy is one that emphasizes risk minimization through elimination of failure points and maximum streamlining. The DIR gear configuration (which I acknowledge existed in various forms long before GUE) is the logical result of these goals.

People with different goals may find that other gear suits them. That's fine, its their choice and their dive buddy's.

However, I do not agree with many of the reasons I hear for people shying away from BP&W's. In my experience, BP&W's are easy to use, extraordinarily comfortable, easy to travel with and a blast to dive. Compared to my old large bladder BC (Zeagle Tech), its like flying through the water. The tank feels like its welded to my back.

I'm not going to say other people are wrong. I will say that BP&W's are great for rec diving.

Personally, I'm not such a purist that I won't use a computer in the Carribean. However, I use tables for decompression diving.

I agree that rehashing is inappropriate; however, my 18lb Pioneer is great in warm water. Enough said.

DIR does not require dry suit diving. In a nutshell, DIR requires diving with all of the necessary gear and nothing else. If the suit isn't necessary, for whatever reason, then don't use it. That goes for all of the other equipment. Take everything you need. Leave everything you don't.
Scuba once bubbled...

Or good about DIR.

What difference does it make. Most of us are hear to share ideas and learn from those ideas to be better divers. Whether its PADI's or NAUI's or GUE's or DIR or any particular person.

Some of you think its perfectly alright to spread your messege everywhere, and we should just accept it or change the channel. Well, some of us are also going to decide to spread our messege and fire back. So learn to deal with it.

DIR adherents or wannabe's started it - only they can ended.

And please don't play poor o'le victim. Your "real" DIR leaders have taught you well when it comes to insults and demeaning those who disagree or question your beliefs. Along with a good portion of unsubstantiated braggadocio.

You started it - only you can end it.

By the way, who's going to apologize to the Taliban.

My dear Scuba:

1. I do think that its perfectly acceptable to discuss my ideas on diving. In case you haven't noticed, you do the same.

2. I can deal with criticism. See above replies to KPauley. My work there is done:D

3. I hadn't realized that you've been on the Board long enough to figure out who took the first shot in the DIR/non-DIR discussion. My apologies. However, I think that its been going longer than the 6 months you've been registered here.

4. As stated above, I did nothing more than respond in kind.

5. Unsubstantiated? Tell you what. Take your rig. Go to Florida. Dive the WKPP (with appropriate training, of course). Come out and tell us what its like. Alternatively, penetrate the Britannic. Then tell us that its unsubstantiated. And remember, it ain't bragging if you've actually done it. Those big deal DIR types have been there, done that and bought the T-shirt (I've seen them on my instructor). Can you say the same?
You mean the gift shop on the Britannic is still open?...wow what a devoted staff!

Sorry....the devil made me do it.

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