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LOL.. A U-haul would tear up the I'm stupid in my poor little Honda.

As for what I take with me, it depends on who I am diving with. If it is my dive buddy and I then we will have twice this amount, and us taking seperate cars uses even more fuel. I take basically what you do, along with a large tool kit, coolers for food and drinks, and a rather large first aid kit. There is no way that would fit in the trunk of the Honda.

As for your take on how to come of foreign dependance, I agree. lowering consumption is a start in the right direction. However, we will still need to supplement our own drilling. This is a fact of life.

Their are also other places that we should look to improve out usage though. Let's look at power plants. Do to Clinton's policies powerplants were not allowed to upgrade equipment unless they in turn upgraded the entire facility to meet current standards. That is ludicrous. If a new blade design was made that would have made a powerplant 10% more effiecient, they could not use it unless they upgraded everything. So these old plants could not afford to upgrade everything, so we were stuck with the same power plant as before. We also need to look more in to nuclear power plants. It is now cleaner, more effecient, and safer than ever, yet no one wants on in their back yard. Their are a lot of ways to reduce usage. SUV's are not going to do it alone.
JamesK once bubbled...
"This is George. This is the gas George buys for his SUV. This is oil compnay executive that gets rich from the gas George buys for his SUV. These are the countries that the gas comes from. These are the terrorists that get money from the countries that sell the gas that George puts in his SUV. Does your SUV Support Terrorism?"

Oh Jees.

The #1 importer of oil to the US is Canada. SUVs aren't supporting terrorism, they are supporting Hockey.

[What was the thread topic again?]
JamesK wrote...
LOL.. A U-haul would tear up the I'm stupid in my poor little Honda.
Yup, ergo the :wink:.


JamesK wrote...
As for what I take with me, it depends on who I am diving with. If it is my dive buddy and I then we will have twice this amount, and us taking seperate cars uses even more fuel. I take basically what you do, along with a large tool kit, coolers for food and drinks, and a rather large first aid kit. There is no way that would fit in the trunk of the Honda.
Sounds like you're one of the people who actually need that type of vehicle, and not one of the Suburban Status Symbol types I targeted in my earlier post. My parents own a large SUV, but they live in a remote area and require it in winter. Who could have a problem if they're being put to good use?

The problem is when they're just being pointlessly wasteful...

JamesK wrote...
As for your take on how to come of foreign dependance, I agree. lowering consumption is a start in the right direction. However, we will still need to supplement our own drilling. This is a fact of life.
That may be, but I think efficiency should go up first...otherwise, it's for little gain.

JamesK wrote...
Their are also other places that we should look to improve out usage though. ..... SUV's are not going to do it alone.
I strongly agree. By drawing attention to things close to consumers' lives, SUVs are one good place to start, though.

BTW, I appreciate the lack of personal attacks in this potentially heated exchange. "Clintonite" is another of those fighting words I mentioned earlier.

Spectre wrote...

The #1 importer of oil to the US is Canada. SUVs aren't supporting terrorism, they are supporting Hockey.
Once again, people are willfully ignoring obvious threats to their very existence. Hockey isn't the problem....

do you have any idea how many innocent victims curling has claimed in the last ten years? Remember Jack Nicholson's last scene in The Shining? Curling victims look just like that, you know.

Wake up and smell the Sanka before it's too late, Jeff!
Spectre once bubbled...

Oh Jees.

The #1 importer of oil to the US is Canada. SUVs aren't supporting terrorism, they are supporting Hockey.

[What was the thread topic again?]

Hockey! Well, that is cool with me. However, don't forget that you are also supporting underage drinking. Yep, the Canadian oil industry gives all of the money to the beer industry who then ships that evil lager down here to intoxicate our youth! LOL!!! :D

As for the topic at hand, I think it was a free for all! :D


It was fun!
Uncle Pug wrote...
SUVs and hockey are something I don't know anything about. :wink:
Oh, does the osmosis effect stop at Bellingham?

My comments are in general not specific unless noted.

Don't let me distract you from your topic in this thread for all topics.

Northeastwrecks wrote:
1. I do think that its perfectly acceptable to discuss my ideas on diving. In case you haven't noticed, you do the same.
Absolutely! But I can't help but noticed you cleverly decided not to address the issue I was reffering too: Proselytization.

The messege is gaining converts and also alienating many as well, in my opinion largely due to delivery.
So Kpauley jumped the gun here, think he's maybe tired of it. Not an excuse, just a reason.

2. I can deal with criticism. See above replies to KPauley. My work there is done
Good for you. Something we all need.

3. I hadn't realized that you've been on the Board long enough to figure out who took the first shot in the DIR/non-DIR discussion. My apologies. However, I think that its been going longer than the 6 months you've been registered here.
True, I really don't know who started it. But I do know who the loudest mouths are since I've been here. DIR proponents have pretty much had free rein, only occassionaly being checked by some. And then they feign injury and insult and persecution.

4. As stated above, I did nothing more than respond in kind
I wasn't reffering to any one particular adherent, only to DIR "real" leaders/founders. I see you made not attempt to defend your leaders behavior, or is denial a better word.

5. Unsubstantiated? Tell you what. Take your rig. Go to Florida. Dive the WKPP (with appropriate training, of course). Come out and tell us what its like. Alternatively, penetrate the Britannic. Then tell us that its unsubstantiated. And remember, it ain't bragging if you've actually done it. Those big deal DIR types have been there, done that and bought the T-shirt (I've seen them on my instructor). Can you say the same?
I didn't mention any specific claims, but used the qualifier "portion". You respond by citing a few examples, which I do not doubt, in an attempt to imply that my claims are false.
Consider the claim those classified as Strokes are unsafe divers.
Consider the claim that those who don't adhere to certain DIR precepts are ignorant and dangerous. Solo diving. Computer users.

These issues have been debated in depth with those holding the DIR position unable to present objective evidence or even a sound argument that can withstand scrutiny. If you have something new to add, please do so. Otherwise why not consider placing things in perspective. DIR has valid claim for not using computers or not diving solo, but they don't have one to conclusively prove that these practices are dangerous and unsafe.

By the way I'm just ranting in general here.

If only the DIR messege where presented for what it is: Probably one of the best, or maybe even arguably the best complete, well defined approach to diving - overall. That is easily within the reach of most divers, available on a fairly large and consistent scale, at least here in the US. Any arguments? Instead of falsely pretending they get four aces in everyhand.

Every system has its strengths and weaknessess when compared to others. Ever stop to see the irony of how what many apparently beleive is supposedly a "universal" gear configuration created by the "master of the caves" won't even get you into some caves where sidemounts are required.


I wasn't addressing anything specifically at you. I have no problems with your argument. I realize that in a board such as this, where there are people from allo ver the world, one should perhaps be extra careful so as not to offend. Sometimes I myself, as you can see by my "jokes" in bad taste, although I will admit I had a pretty good laugh, can insult others without having the intent to cause injury. On the other hand since we have so many different values in some respects, it is probably wise to be a little thick skin, and try to put it all in perspective, lest we all become doomed to political correctness. Maybe its better that way, I won't argue against it.

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