I want a cool BC

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I must have gone back in time... I feel like I'm reading comp.os.os2.advocacy, circca 1994. Glad to see Usenet hasn't changed much. :wink: (You PDP-11 guys just go ahead and laugh!)

From a total newbie diver point of view, I like hearing about all the different types of gear. I think the NAUI motto "Dive safety through education" is a wise one, and refusing to learn about something is just silly.

On the other hand, one has to seperate the wheat from the chaff, and endless "mine's bigger than yours" arguments and pointless flamewars add nothing of value whatsoever to the conversation.

Who's in charge of the "Do Not Feed The Trolls" signs around here, anyway?!?!


P.S. Linux rulz, Windoze droolz! :wink:
Out of respect to Spectre, I am responding to some posts in a different thread here. I know you guys will read this.


I like the toolbox idea. It is not my intent to supress anyone's opinion. My desire is to bring order to chaos. Some people would like the only tool in the box to be the BP. I would be the first to admit that there is a lot of junk on the market. Some people think that if it is not a BP it is junk. It is just that I find the notion that backplates are for all divers and all applications (the only tool) to be incorrect and feel these advocates are over doing it. I may love my TP2/travel wing, but it is not all that important to me to spread the word of its benefits. There are quite a few members that agree with me.


I don't have the authority to tell you what to post, but I feel free to express my opinion as to what is off topic and will continue to do so in the future. As for vitriol, save it for cleaning the garage floor. I think we should all heed to Spectre's admonition that we keep it to stating what we use and why. I am not as far out as you are trying to make me look. After all, I don't approve of the comparison of DIR to a terrorist group. Might be more like the folks who come knocking on my door with a bible in their hand :)
leadweight once bubbled...
Out of respect to Spectre, I am responding to some posts in a different thread here. I know you guys will read this.

My desire is to bring order to chaos

I neither want, nor need you to order anything for me on this board. I will take care of that myself. If you wish to express your opinion, fine, but you will not take it upon yourself to order anything for me.

Also, if you think anything is bad on this board, you should spend 5 minutes reading the embecilic tripe and name calling on "the other scuba newsgroup".

I do agree this is the best dive board I've seen. Overall discussions remains fairly civilized, and personal insults, ok maybe aside from some name calling, don't go as far as some other boards where it seems every argument terminates in a vicious personal attack.

Now, MechDiver, by the mysteriously illusory powers invested in me in Scubaboard by the God of ZILCH, and in the interest that sanity be preserved, I command you to help Uncle Pug get back in his wagon. :) ( Joke, maybe good, maybe bad, no offense intended )

The beer is taking effect. Just kidding.
You guys really amaze me with your total misinterpretation. I'm not ordering anyone around and I said as much. However, I will contine to express my opinion as to what is appropriate.

This misinterpretation is typical and it shows in trampling on other members desire for information on something other than backplates. The problem is some of you guys are so hyped up on this stuff that nothing else is visible.

I must admit that I was nearly taken in by some of the BP/DIR advocates on this board, but I tried a BP and now know better. Someone has got to say the emperor is naked.

Which other scuba newsgroup are you refering to? It is hard to top the technical diving mailing list for flames as GI3 is a regular contributor. The man is really a flaming orfice.
leadweight once bubbled...
Someone has got to say the emperor is naked.
Actually the emperor seems to wear speedos a lot :D

stevsgarage seems to have disappeared. I hope all this debate hasn't turned him off from ScubaBoard.
UP once bubbled...

I am.... but... I... fell off the wagon.

It's Friday! (At least it still is where I am)

Have a beer! Or your other favorite refreshing beverage :cheers:
Scubaroo bubbled...

stevsgarage seems to have disappeared. I hope all this debate hasn't turned him off from ScubaBoard.

He started another one with about the same title. Said this one got hijacked, and really wanted some input on his question.

He's getting some, but it's still a little bit of he said/she said.

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