I want a cool BC

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MikeS once bubbled...
The advice is great, I for one am grateful for the exposure I’ve had to DIR on this board. Without it I would not be diving a backplate and wings and the long hose. But why do you feel you have to defend your position?

Because I care about the quality of the advice that I give. If I respond to a thread that asks a substantive question, as opposed to a ridiculous diatribe by the poster child for ignorance (that does not refer to you, MikeS), I actually want to do the best that I can. I want to explain my reasoning and try to determine the best answer, which may be a synthesis of the various posts. I will not make unsupported statements when it comes to substantive questions.

BTW, since I never chimed in on the original subject, I firmly believe that the BP& W with GUE recommended reg configuration (5 or 7 foot hose, depending upon application) is the most appropriate rig.

It is both cool and functional.

As for why I responded in the manner that I did.

1. I stated that I had considered the source of the original statement.

2. I supported my claim that the original statement was posted by an ignorant clod with facts taken from other posts.

3. I argued my case using language that I determined to be appropriate to the situation. In other words, I responded in kind.
for any contributions to 'bad behavior' and I hereby recant my outrageous comments contained in this thread.

It is entirely appropriate punishment that I never get to share the water with kpauley.
Man how things have gotten so far off the original topic and a little out of hand.
Northeastwrecks wrote

I won't apologize, but I'll happily accept that punishment.;-0
I may not be DIR, but whatever you do.....

please don't throw me in dat briar patch!

WreckWriter once bubbled...

Why don't you give us an example or two? If we're so badly behaved it shouldn't be tough to find a few.


Let’s use this thread as an example.

Kpauley fired the opening anti-DIR salvo, granted. I think that his point had to do with intolerance but in my personal opinion it was in bad taste. But he never personally attacked anyone.

So what happened as a result:

He was ridiculed for only having less than 25 dives despite the fact that he was actively attempting to get more experience.

Not only was he insulted but his girlfriend was brought into it. I personally think that is pretty low.

Someone I assume has never dived with him criticized his diving skills.

And now he is the butt of an ongoing gag about being punished by not being allowed to dive with him.

Well, I guess I just don’t see how that encourages open discussion or safer diving for that matter.



I apologize for any part I have played in hijacking this thread.
MikeS wrote...

And now he is the butt of an ongoing gag about being punished by not being allowed to dive with him.
For my part in that, I make no apologies. I represent no one but myself, and can be as agreeable or disagreeable as I choose.

BTW, the first poster to state he wouldn't want to dive with other posters was.....

kpauley himself.

Turnabout isn't fair play?
Did this thread ever get out of hand, or what?

Stevsgarage, you still with us?

Way back in the biginning, I think a couple of people did actually give some pertinent suggestions to your question.

My "personal" preference is a back inflating BC , Haven't dove a BP/wing. May someday if I ever live close enough to more water and if my current stuff wears out.

Better horizontal stability with the rear inflation IMHO. Unfortuantely, you'll just have to look for what feels best for you.

Good Luck
metridium once bubbled...
Turnabout isn't fair play?

I’m not saying that the response was unprovoked; and I don’t even want to get into the position of defending kpauley. All I’m saying is to this point he has made no personal insults whatsoever; and yet he is personally under attack. And no one person is responsible, to many including myself, it seems like if you make any remark that doesn’t sit well with “the DIR crowd,” you are attacked by the mob.

Another observation for what it’s worth, the worst insults don’t come from the veteran DIR divers, they come from those that have not yet taken, or have recently taken DIRF.


I am not a DIR diver, nor am I interested in being one. This is my informed choice. IMO, DIR and backplates are being overpromoted to recreational divers in this forum.

However, the comparison of DIR to the Taliban is so obviously off the wall that all one needed to say is that they would not dignify the comment by responding to it directly. This debate is excessive and counterproductive to all forms of safe diving.

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