Hurricane Jeanne on the horizon

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Great.. that means I'm the fat clown again.. wheres my barrell to hide in!

That barrell is submerged in the cul de sac at the end of my driveway. Hope you weren't in it when it sank...

And I ain't touching the great chaps debate!
Hmmmm. 2 pairs of chaps, spurs, red wine, beer, SJ, KBeck. Do you have any whips? Sounds as though one would be safer out in the storm than with you two!

Best wishes, everyone.
USAF Diver:
The wind has really picked up here in the last few minutes. Looks like the next few hours will be fun.

Thanks for the update. I'm lighting my prayer candle for you now.
We here in Texas know we could be next...
Rock on Natasha... I've been watching the Radar.. things are going to really be picking up in the next hour. 10pm is the projected landfall of the 40 or so mile wide eye.. everything to the North and West of of that eye is going to REALLY be feeling it right about now...

My thoughts go out to everyone in that area... We've got a number of SBers over there who just went through Frances and now are going to be going through this.
Awwhhh geees MB, go ahead, join in!

Ummm Krista, I got my own spurs!
I'm surprised you are typing sober!:D

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