Hurricane Jeanne on the horizon

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Colin, you're too kind; thank you so much; you guys are wonderful guests and are welcome here ANY time!!
So, waves are good, you wanna play cowboy...Krista's got her chaps ready!!!! :D
Ohhhhh....and I packed my Cabbanna Boy grass shorts....too bad.
Colin, you're too kind; thank you so much; you guys are wonderful guests and are welcome here ANY time!!
So, waves are good, you wanna play cowboy...Krista's got her chaps ready!!!! :D

Wine, chaps, and a FL Cracker with a wahoo attitude! My wife would laugh so hard she'd be crying! It'd be like something from Blue Collar TV! :lol:
Wine, chaps, and a FL Cracker with a wahoo attitude!

I gotta get a picture of this one!
winds are picking up... I hear an old Glen Campbell song coming on....

Like a neoprene Cowgirl
Riding the waves
In her BCD....
Neoprene Cowgirlllllllll

(yeee haww....)

Chuck, I wanna see those cute cabana boy shorts next time we meet!
Chuck, I wanna see those cute cabana boy shorts next time we meet!
I've got my sliding doors open for air, and for the cats to roam in and out to the pool & screen house. That's a must when the power goes out . But the storm is starting to spawn tornados. Channel 5 (West Palm) just reported one up north.

If you get a tornado report stay alert for that damned "train" sound, and prepare to close up tight. That old tale about "equalizing pressure" by opening windows is not germaine to these types of tornados, and are a disaster for gusts and sustained high winds.

Wind in the house = interior lift force on the roof.
Damn the torpedos... er I mean tornadoes...
And I bet that tornado just passed over MY house...honestly....I think I'm going to dry out before I EVER manage to get back in the water.....however, Jenny is enjoyig my chaps just fine, and soon I'll lend her some spurs just for the fun of it....she's already outdone herself on the rum....teatotalers, I tell tyou....
Hey, see if she can play catcher while wearing chaps and spurs!

IF I can find a way to keep my cowboy hat on when I dive, I'll wear the chaps and spurs on the fins!

BTW - The eye of the storm is over the Gulf stream, 50 miles from land fall, headed in on the same landing pattern as Frances, but more direct, not headed up.

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