Hurricane Jeanne on the horizon

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I can't believe they didn't get enough rum.. How can you ever run out of rum? That's a cardinal sin. Although, the thought of kbeck in chaps... well... Never mind..

Y'all say safe tonight and tomorrow...
That is very sad...unless you are or want to be or act 70 and want to wear dark knee high black socks with tan shorts....and have food drool on your face.

Live your dream!

on sundays i do adventure drives and take roads i have never been on, and i ended up going thru the villages...i liked the old spanish look to it. maybe i just have an old soul.
One last dvd for the night, missed out on all that drinking. Well in the time of the movie i see the storm came onshore and moved a little ways in, still not here though, might try to catch some z's before day break though!!

I am not sure about the drunken debauchery (although chatting with Jenny and Krista, it didnt sound like they had had a drink in a few hours), i did spend some hours on the phone or blankly watching the tv - the joys of waiting!! :wink:

Goodnight and good luck.
Let me make it clear on the drinking. We only ran out of rum and wine. We still have the vodka, beer and Smirnoff. I was gonna get some rum during the day, but when I saw the long lines, I decided to take my chances.....oh well.
My son has applied for the BSA "Hunker Down" merit badge... I think he's earned it! Of course this time he conveniently missed out on our usual round of hurricane games... "The lawn furniture shuffle" (My daughter won this one), Synchronised tree trimming (my wife and I got the gold here), the 2 meter get in the garage dash (daughter won again), Potted Plant Shot put (wife won this one), the Stay awake marathon (daughter again), the ignore the whole stoopid mess Sleepathon (my son has this one, hands down), and of course I won the illustrious "Kitty chase" finally catching one wet and shnookered rat-cat as she was running for her life. Look for her new book: "Cast out in the storm!" (The story of a cat's need to make that one last potty break).
We still have power....
Here's my sign.

But the wind and rain is so strong my dogs are just standing at the doorway looking out, shaking their heads and crossing their legs.
Does porta potty make house calls?

HEY JENNY! Oh sorry I was yelling. How's your head?
Well, all is well down here in LBTS. I actually went to sleep about 9 PM & slept through most of it. Woke up about 1:30, went outside to smoke a cigarette (horrors!) & came back in & went back to sleep until 7:30 this morning. We're still getting the occasional wind/rain but, for the most part, it's passed. The water is still higher than normal on the beach but, hopefully, it will recede soon. Unfortunately, church was cancelled today...

I hope everyone up north has/will survive safely too!
Although a little breeze and a couple of drops of rain, downtown Orlando seems quite fine and pleasant outside.

The one tree that has been teetering all three storms may not have touched down on our roof, i will check later probably and i hope to start the clean up efforts sometime this afternoon if possible (the winds and rain seem quite light compared to the last two storms - but i will stay safe). Looks like we dodged this bullet successfully this time, seems to just keep drifting west - shame for you and thinking of you guys in Tampa and just north (as well as the SR60/70 dwellers) :wink: Looking at the rainfall and swirling mass on the radar, we might even only have another couple of real rain bands coming through, and the current one is by far the worst of those, the rest look light - will keep my eye out and when things look relatively settled on with boots and gloves, out with the rake and bags, as well as shovel to clear the drains!

Glad most people are still around.

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