Hurricane Jeanne on the horizon

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Although a little breeze and a couple of drops of rain, downtown Orlando seems quite fine and pleasant outside.

The one tree that has been teetering all three storms may not have touched down on our roof, i will check later probably and i hope to start the clean up efforts sometime this afternoon if possible (the winds and rain seem quite light compared to the last two storms - but i will stay safe). Looks like we dodged this bullet successfully this time, seems to just keep drifting west - shame for you and thinking of you guys in Tampa and just north (as well as the SR60/70 dwellers) :wink: Looking at the rainfall and swirling mass on the radar, we might even only have another couple of real rain bands coming through, and the current one is by far the worst of those, the rest look light - will keep my eye out and when things look relatively settled on with boots and gloves, out with the rake and bags, as well as shovel to clear the drains!

Glad most people are still around.

maybe i should move the 12 miles to downtown orlando, cuz its kicking butt over here at my place. has not let up since 0700.
Amazing what a difference a few miles makes. I don't know where Wendy lives but our butts are getting kicked very hard. I'm surprised I still have power.
Amazing what a difference a few miles makes. I don't know where Wendy lives but our butts are getting kicked very hard. I'm surprised I still have power.

i'm in winter garden/west orange county, near the orange lake county line.
Although a little breeze and a couple of drops of rain, downtown Orlando seems quite fine and pleasant outside.
Are you even in the same state as the rest of us? What do you mean pleasant?!!
There is nothing pleasant going on around here.
Are you even in the same state as the rest of us? What do you mean pleasant?!!
There is nothing pleasant going on around here.

maybe he is in another state of mind...denial.
The wind is still kicking in Melbourne. It has died down significantly, though. Nothing like it was from 11 until about 5 this morning. I thought we were going to make it through without losing power, but at 4:20 this morning... it flickered for the last time.

As far as the damage goes... I lost some more shingles. I can't really tell from where, yet. The tarp my roofer put on is still there. My maple tree only lost a couple of branches... I guess it lost the bulk of its branches during Frances. Also... the door to my shed got blown open, and it's split in half. I was going to replace the doors, anyway.

I hope they get my power up a little sooner this time...

Oh... I did NOT run out of beer. I made sure I bought plenty Thursday night.

The tides are coming in on the beaches here and the winds are coming in out of the west which will make the tides even higher. On Ft Myers Beach, the tides are about an hour to hour and half from being at high tide. Punta Gorda has flooding on the streets (the news guys are knee deep on one road). Hope ya'll are fairing ok north of us...
maybe he is in another state of mind...denial.
Or just a sound proof padded room.:confined:

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