Humans not designed for monogomy

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i believe in cereal monogamy. i only eat Wheaties


I think the whole topic of not being monogamous is just that...oh wait I meant monotonous...

Whatever we're designed for, most people do not like the idea of their partner (or themselves) not being monogamous. I know I sure don't.

You're with me or not. It's not multiple choice.

Nauticalbutnice :fruit:
I am a big Cheerios fan myself, but can be persuaded to have a bowl of Wheaties now and then.

*gasp* :11: I think G. Guptal may actually be onto something, now that I think about it!
I am a big Cheerios fan myself, but can be persuaded to have a bowl of Wheaties now and then.

*gasp* :11: I think G. Guptal may actually be onto something, now that I think about it!

It's not so bad, as long as you come back to the Cheerios. Mmm. Cheerios.
I don't get why GG is so adamant and argumentative about this theory. *shrug* Whatever.

One word comes to mind... "troll".. this person is new to the board... does not list any diving profile whatsoever, and has yet to contribute ANYTHING dive related. I would take a stab at a bored computer junky hoping to cause a riot. Is it working yet???
He didn't cause a riot, but he did spur a rather frank discussion about our choice of breakfast cereal.
Well, not to add fuel to the fire, but give me Quaker raisin and Spice oatmeal any day of the week and you have one happy camper!! Just can't take that cold cheerios and wheaties stuff... brrrrr... :)
Well, the idea that humans were actually designed is pretty scary.
Yeah, you have a good point, evad. If we were designed, what's up with men having nipples?
Well, not to add fuel to the fire, but give me Quaker raisin and Spice oatmeal any day of the week and you have one happy camper!! Just can't take that cold cheerios and wheaties stuff... brrrrr... :)
Heh - lets not bring religion into this :wink: Personally i a polygamist when it comes to cereal - frosties, raisin bran crunch, berry cheerios and oatmeal crunch.

Yeah, you have a good point, evad. If we were designed, what's up with men having nipples?
Sue i thought you were a scientist or something like that? I was always told that nipples were created before the sex was apparent (possible even decided - although i find that hard to believe, but certainly before sexual organs start to develop), however that could be bad info. All i can say is i think we would look weird without them, just having a fairly landmark free chest :wink: Why men have nipples seems to back up part of this theory.

a patriarchal society would say that...i mean...if science/research (not always the same) can prove this, males around the world would have a field day...
I'm sure more creative folks here can come up with come-ons....

humans designed?..well...let's hope not...

evolution apart...

in christianity - sex outside marriage is a sin, marriage is instituted in heaven - why would the creator first "design" mankind to be polygamous and then demand that we live in monogamy?

in islam...a man can have up to four wives - it's his choice (and money, read the Quran) - but then again, everything is pre-determined by no choice involved... nice loop, eh?

like Sue said...why get involved in's not even interesting...

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