How valuable is your pet?

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Wow, now only the rich can have pets! :11:

Right. Guess you have to give them up if you become unemployed or have a change in financial status.<sarcasm, not serious>
1) I don't visit cattle ranches as a tourist, so I'm not a "dude".
2) I have done something about our health care system - just as many of your fellow countrymen have: "Quebec has ended up paying not only hospital fees but also transportation and housing costs for some of its citizens undergoing cancer therapies in US hospitals. In such cases, costs to the Canadian government are much higher than if adequate facilities had been budgeted for in the first place." Apparently, many come here.
3) I didn't take your words out of context - simply paired your beginning statements with your conclusions - which shows how un-rational they were. As for "mixing everything up", I didn't - simply clarified your statements and conclusions - again, showing the lack of rationality - uncomfortable, isn't it?
4) As for your med costs, having worked in BOTH the pharmaceutical AND Veterinary businesses, YOUR costs are WAY lower than the "retail" prices. So, it IS my business. Hmmm...maybe that's a way to beat the local system of fixing prices to be affordable to the (human) users. Unfortunately, pets don't seem to have a direct lobby in Parliament, and the owners have to bear the "profit" from the dispensers. Oh, excuse me, I guess you're one of the dispensers, aren't you - guess that gives you an unbiased opinion on just what is "fairly inexpensive".

Well dude, I'm not on this world to fix the shortcomings of the US health care system. If you have a beef with your health care system, why wouldn't you try to do something about it?
You did a good job though taking my words out of context and mixing everything up. :wink:
How much do I pay for my meds? First, probably not more than you would be paying for services in your profession and field of expertise and secondly, it's none of your business.
kristi hager:
YAY for Keeshonds! I want another one badly. I really miss my Kees girl. She had a stomach tumor and had to be put to sleep last april. She was my firstborn. Have talked to breeders, but prefer to rescue, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for one. If you see a female that needs a home let me know. My male Sammy hates other boys so it has to be a girl.

Talked to breeders? Whoa, that's expensive.

kristi hager:
"Now I am NOT paying over $100 a month for the same dog for meds. She's now almost 13 " .

Simply put then, you have reached your limit for her. Would that be accurate?

Well, I do belong to a rescue group and guess what? Many of the rescues---too many---are seniors with health issues that have become a financial burden to their "family" and the animal is replaced with a younger, healthier pet. Ya don't have to be psychic to see where that is going, do you?

Is it gratifying to adopt from a rescue group? You bet. I highly recommend it. I will drive for several hours to perform a home visit at a potential adopter's, just to insure that the dog will be cared fact, most groups are quite diligent about only placing rescued animals in an environment that will commit to time, training and any costs necessary for medical treatment. (We also encourage insurance. No it is not just for the rich---I have 3 dogs insured and it costs me $40/month. 2 are considered seniors.)

So, while you may consider yourself a responsible pet owner, and have a litany of treatments you have funded and a reckoning of time you have devoted in the past...ask yourself this: Will your new pet age or develop an illness or sustain an injury at some point and cost you more than the food, even if it is a wholistic diet? The answer is yes.

You have a dog in your garage who is suffering and by your own comments, not receiving the treatment prescribed...and you would like a Keeshond.

I may not know even a tiny bit of the whole story, but I don't know if that would be much of a "rescue".

I agree with Aquorean

Furthermore, MissyP's comment: "If you aren't financially able to deal with the unexpected costs, then it might be a better option to get a goldfish.

If you feel the need to be around pets, volunteer at a local shelter or become a temporary foster parent to a pet awaiting adoption."

Awesome suggestion! Many groups are desperate for temporary safe foster homes for their rescues (often the vet bills and food, etc. are paid for by the group) or people to do home visits, etc. There are many ways to assist animals in a meaningful way, even if one cannot afford the potentially great financial investment.
1) I don't visit cattle ranches as a tourist, so I'm not a "dude".
2) I have done something about our health care system - just as many of your fellow countrymen have: "Quebec has ended up paying not only hospital fees but also transportation and housing costs for some of its citizens undergoing cancer therapies in US hospitals. In such cases, costs to the Canadian government are much higher than if adequate facilities had been budgeted for in the first place." Apparently, many come here.
3) I didn't take your words out of context - simply paired your beginning statements with your conclusions - which shows how un-rational they were. As for "mixing everything up", I didn't - simply clarified your statements and conclusions - again, showing the lack of rationality - uncomfortable, isn't it?
4) As for your med costs, having worked in BOTH the pharmaceutical AND Veterinary businesses, YOUR costs are WAY lower than the "retail" prices. So, it IS my business. Hmmm...maybe that's a way to beat the local system of fixing prices to be affordable to the (human) users. Unfortunately, pets don't seem to have a direct lobby in Parliament, and the owners have to bear the "profit" from the dispensers. Oh, excuse me, I guess you're one of the dispensers, aren't you - guess that gives you an unbiased opinion on just what is "fairly inexpensive".
1) You should, maybe you'll ease up a little. :wink:
2) Do a little more as you're the one complaining about it.
3) You did take my words out of context badly and even put in some that I didn't say but as my clients are the ones that I'm responsible to, I don't really care about your personal opinion whether I'm rational or not. Uncomfortable? Not at all. :D
4) How do you know what my "retail" is? Or are you just assuming something because you have some issues or a bad experience with vets?
Again, my remarks about the fairly inexpensive medications was concerning the Thyroid and incontinence medication, which is inexpensive. You should read better or really not try to take my words out of context.
Anyway, the thread isn't about what you think about vets or about the what you would consider expensive meds. It's about how valuable the pets are to their owner. I think, I may have an impression what value the pets have for you though.
So dude, if you have any beef with me or other vets, you can PM me or choke on it, I don't really care but let the thread run it's way. :wink:

I'm not complaining regarding US health care, just putting the "pet insurance" in an appropriate perspective. I didn't take your "words out of context badly and even put in some that I didn't say" just matched your responses to the previous posts....

You are assuming (with all that it implies) that my comments were directed specifically to you, personally - not so (except for the reality check comment). And " valuable the pets are to their owner. I think, I may have an impression what value the pets have for you though..." - Again, you are assuming. NOTHING I have said in any of these posts speaks to my personal values about pets, - just about the "business" surrounding pet medical care, which YOU introduced by remarking you are a vet (the business part) and a pet owner (the emotional part), and tossed in some supercilious remarks about how "inexpensive" meds are. Don't try and skirt the issue, you made the remarks about one person's reluctance or inability to afford certain meds, and now you are requesting "ease up a little".

BTW is the "Dude" and "beef with me or other vets" an attempt at humor?:D

1) You should, maybe you'll ease up a little. :wink:
2) Do a little more as you're the one complaining about it.
3) You did take my words out of context badly and even put in some that I didn't say but as my clients are the ones that I'm responsible to, I don't really care about your personal opinion whether I'm rational or not. Uncomfortable? Not at all. :D
4) How do you know what my "retail" is? Or are you just assuming something because you have some issues or a bad experience with vets?
Again, my remarks about the fairly inexpensive medications was concerning the Thyroid and incontinence medication, which is inexpensive. You should read better or really not try to take my words out of context.
Anyway, the thread isn't about what you think about vets or about the what you would consider expensive meds. It's about how valuable the pets are to their owner. I think, I may have an impression what value the pets have for you though.
So dude, if you have any beef with me or other vets, you can PM me or choke on it, I don't really care but let the thread run it's way. :wink:

I'm not complaining regarding US health care, just putting the "pet insurance" in an appropriate perspective. I didn't take your "words out of context badly and even put in some that I didn't say" just matched your responses to the previous posts....

You are assuming (with all that it implies) that my comments were directed specifically to you, personally - not so (except for the reality check comment). And " valuable the pets are to their owner. I think, I may have an impression what value the pets have for you though..." - Again, you are assuming. NOTHING I have said in any of these posts speaks to my personal values about pets, - just about the "business" surrounding pet medical care, which YOU introduced by remarking you are a vet (the business part) and a pet owner (the emotional part), and tossed in some supercilious remarks about how "inexpensive" meds are. Don't try and skirt the issue, you made the remarks about one person's reluctance or inability to afford certain meds, and now you are requesting "ease up a little".

BTW is the "Dude" and "beef with me or other vets" an attempt at humor?:D
Sigh as much as you want dude. :D
Appropriate perspective to whom? You? Who are you to tell me what the right perspective is? :06:
I'm not requesting anyone to ease up as I stand behing what I said. Read again, I said that the Thyroid and incontinence medication are inexpensive, which is true. I mentioned as well that the pain medication isn't inexpensive. I as well didn't make my remarks in regard to one person's reluctance or inability to afford certain meds. My remarks were toward doing nothing at all. You appear to have more issues with my statements than Kristy herself.
Supercilious? Aren't you assuming something now? :eyebrow: And again, my statements were not about medication in general but these specific medications.
You have some issues for sure:
You are assuming (with all that it implies) that my comments were directed specifically to you, personally - not so (except for the reality check comment)
So what is now. were they directed toward me or not? :D
BTW, the dude was only an attempt to let you know how little I value your opinion. :10:
kristi hager:
Right. Guess you have to give them up if you become unemployed or have a change in financial status.<sarcasm, not serious>

Actually, you're hitting the nail on the head whether you're meaning to be sarcastic or not. If you cannot give your pet a quality life and the medical care it needs, then perhaps it IS for the best to give the pet to a home that has more financial stability.
And Kent, no... you don't have to be "rich" to have a pet. If you have financial stability and/or have pet health care insurance, then so be it. :) However, if you're struggling to make ends meet, do you really think you need the added burden of having a pet?
kristi hager:
YAY for Keeshonds! I want another one badly. I really miss my Kees girl. She had a stomach tumor and had to be put to sleep last april. She was my firstborn. Have talked to breeders, but prefer to rescue, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for one. If you see a female that needs a home let me know. My male Sammy hates other boys so it has to be a girl.

I absolutely love them. They are so loyal, loving, beautiful animals. I really miss my guys, Austin and Yogi Bear, too. Yogi was a Black Keeshond, and Austin had regular markings. We got Yogi from a breeder when I was 4, and lived to the ripe ol' age of 15. I got Austin from a private rescue shelter when he was 5, and he died very unexpectedly at the age of 8. I was able to find out quite a bit of info on him, and it seems that the 3 years he lived with me, were 3 of his happiest. I will definitely keep my eyes open for you!! (will post pic. when I figure out how to do it!)
Awwwwwww! I have a picture (somewhere) Of my Kees and 2 rescues (had 3 at once for a while) and me. They were so beautiful! My Kees girl was gorgeous. I bought her (unregistered) from someone for $50. She had a dark face, and the usual markings. Her outer coat was not very harsh, so she was very soft. She was also a petite Kees. A very special girl. I had a CD title on her. She was really good in the obedience ring. A great watcher. I think every judge commented on her beautiful recall, and flip finish. A few Obedience Club members commented that they would LOVE to have a dog that wanted to work that much.

Thanks for the memories. I don't often have time or make time to reflect on my special girl.

I did loads of research before picking my breeds, and it sure paid off. Kees was #1, Sammy's were # 2. I was looking for certain sizes and dispositions, and they have been great choices for me. They are a bit different in personalities, and I like both for different reasons. I think I need another Kees.

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