How valuable is your pet?

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Do you only know well off people, and look down on those who could not afford the kinds of vet bills we are seeing here? What happens if, God forbid, you had a turn in your financial situation? Would you get rid of all your pets?

Yes if I couldn't give them the quality of life that they deserved and/or needed, I would do whats best for THEM. That's whats called being responsible and unselfish. :)

Glad to hear that you've taken in rescues Oren! I have 3 cats- one from the shelter, one who I took in when she was 2 weeks old (her mother died), and the other was a stray. I adopted one of my horses at an auction- the only person bidding on him was a butcher :: gag :: . They're all priceless to me :)
Now as far as the "rich" comments- once again, I'll say that you don't need to be rich to have a pet... Just responsible! Health insurance isn't that costly- do the right thing for your pets.
And also, for you couple of people who are getting all worked up- take a deep breath, step away from the computer for a while... If you're getting that upset over words on a computer screen?????

Or, perhaps your guilt is getting to you.
kristi hager:
Yep. Buying from a breeder IS expensive. I was looking at older dogs that didn't make it in the show ring. A rescue of sorts. Much less expensive (not that it's any of YOUR business).

My dog in the garage is not recieving the one drug the vet recommended. SHe is NOT being denied meds and treatment, I am just using buffered asprin instead, in addition to some other meds that are RX. She is not mistreated, and she is loved. She just can't be in the house. She sleeps on a baby mattress and comforter for goodness sake!

I am sorry that you live in an ideal world where you don't have to make decisions due to temporary economic setbacks (divorce). Sometimes in the real world we make decisions that are tough. Unfortunatley, she IS older, and because of that, I am less likely to spend thousands as I would have (and did) when she was younger. I also am no londer a double income, no kids family. For that I have no regrets, but it is a circumstance that influences the decisions I make.

Your comments regarding the future of a pet are insulting. You imply I haven't thought the aging process through. I assure you I have. That said, much of the reason a Kees is not in the home is that at this moment, it is not financially or time-wise feasable. In time when it's right it will happen.

Oh yeah smarty pants, it's holistic, not wholistic. Please don't talk to me about it if you don't know what it is.

get off your high horse honey. I sure hope life doesn't throw you any curveballs. Not sure if you have what it takes in your idealistic mind to handle it!

"Clueless". What an articulate, mature, informed response. Bravo.

Let’s review: Now you are looking at “rescuing” an older Keeshond? (However, with an older dog you are less likely to invest in $ for treatments) did ask that people keep a eye out for one for you as well, yes? OK, then, that makes perfect sense. :06:

I believe if you re-read my post, you will note that I did not accuse you of denying your pet all prescribed meds. I stated that your pet is suffering (information you provided)... is not receiving a prescribed treatment (an admission you made)...and is living in isolation in the garage. (nothing you deny).

Buffered aspirin is a pain medication and while I commend your attempt to avoid the costly meds...I suspect the meds were prescribed because the aspirin is not sufficiently effective at controlling her discomfort. Most vets I have had the pleasure of dealing with, will assist their clients---who are responsible, caring pet owners---if they are aware of certain "financial constraints".

Yes, I am sure she appreciates the baby mattress and comforter…if I were a “smarty pants”, I might make some offhand remark about a goodnight’s sleep being a cure for everything. Isn’t it nice that I am above that…oh yes…way above, right? Gazing down upon the poor, divorced single parents from my high horse? By the way, I have earned the right to make such glib remarks because I am a divorced, single mother who is currently in school full-time...not that it is any of your business. (Oh whoa is me…and yes, I know, it’s spelled “woe”. I thought I was back on the horse :wink: )

Why attempt to solicit sympathy or advice with such provocative and evocative emotional posts as your first one, if you can only respond with venom and personal attacks on people making general comments germane to your situation. Comments based upon information you yourself provide?

Sure, I may be idealistic, but it was realism that led me to suggest, as others have, that a pet’s final days, spent in pain and relegated to the garage (even if it’s sleeping on a Serta Perfect Sleeper) is not really “quality of life.” I might be mistaken, but I seem to recall this echoing a similar sentiment expressed by you. It was you who inferred that current measures were not sufficient to control her pain. It was your post that questioned her quality of life. You lamented making a decision to end her suffering. People have posted as they saw fit, with honest opinions and without attacking your personal integrity.

As for the remainder of that immature babble about my ability to handle life’s "curves"…I can assure you that I have been dealt my share of challenges though I doubt you would be mollified. I am not prepared to air my laundry or to hold a pity party----nor do I wield my troubles as a shield when my actions/motives are challenged or questioned.

These are your demons, not mine and I won't dignify any further immature remarks with a reply. Feel free to PM if you need to vent, but this is not appropriate

I hope your vacation relieves some of the stress in your life. :crafty:

Meanwhile, this thread is about loving one's pet. I guess there are many forms of love and not all of them are positive or healthy.

A pet is a sentient being with a soul. It has no voice and relies on a human companion to behave with compassion and love and dignity. You may choose to neglect the maintenance of an inanimate object in your possession. (We have all put off an oil change, or made a late payment at one point or another) This is not the case with a pet. Period. A pet is not a right…it is a privilege.

Perhaps in Canada things are different than here. I mean , maybe you have socialist veterinary practice as well as socialized medicine. The prices someone quoted for pet insurance was FAR lower than what I checked on some years ago. I believe the cost was $40 for one younger dog.

I had one old vet that would have "helped" clients, but he has since passed away. My current vet (who has commented that my animals have a great home, as she is a house call only vet, and has been to my house many times, and has even given me 2 cats), will only give a "break" in the form of a post dated check. No others that I have ever used offer any type of assistance.

As far as I'm concerned, I am finished discussing this. I will continue to struggle with my decision with the old girl, and pray that I make the right one.
. [/I] (Oh whoa is me…and yes, I know, it’s spelled “woe”. I thought I was back on the horse :wink: )


:rofl: ok Cathy, that was funny! :D This thread needed a little comic relief, thats for sure!!
kristi hager:
As far as I'm concerned, I am finished discussing this. I will continue to struggle with my decision with the old girl, and pray that I make the right one.

Whatever you decide to do Kristi, I wish you well.... I know its a hard thing to go through & you're probably dealing with the situation the best way you know how.. Just understand that others may not agree with your decisions (such as keeping her in the garage- that really bothers me!)... but she's your girl, and as long as you love her as much as she's loved you through the years, I can respect your decisions. Best of luck and I apologize for the tone that this thread has taken.
good new update. The cat is back home now after spending 24 hours in Intensive care. He seems to be doing very well considering what happened. He does look a bit funny though with bare spots all over. He is ready to go back outside already, but we can't let him out so he is nevous as a cat right now. Pacing back and forth, and loooking longingly out the back window. Financially, we have never had much of an argument, about it, we will do what we need to do, but like one of the posters mentioned, when the vet tells you it is time, then we follow his instructions. It makes making the "choice" a bit easier on you , when the vet kinda decides for you, plus we find that we are too close to the pet to really make a clear decision at times like this. So it all worked out well in this case. And the Credit card is not too badly damaged by this all. Thanks for your support, and caring comments. BTW Sydney bean (the cat) also thanks you
diverrick, I’m so glad to hear your companion is improving. My deepest sympathy with the agonizing decisions.
This little kitty wanted his picture here in the pets thread.... :itwisted:
We spent over $7000 in six months to try to help our dog Syd. We finally made that brutal decision about a year ago. Seemed everytime the vets did a procedure she'd get better, then fall sick a month later. Always one step forward - two steps back. Having said that, we'd probably had not spent the money if we knew then what we know now, but I feel good knowing we did all we could. Stomach cancer ended up getting the best of her. She wasn't even 6 years old when she passed, but how could you resist this face?
Health insurance isn't that costly- do the right thing for your pets.
And also, for you couple of people who are getting all worked up- take a deep breath, step away from the computer for a while... If you're getting that upset over words on a computer screen?????

Or, perhaps your guilt is getting to you.
I see you live in California, so perhaps your idea of "expensive" is a little skewed. Yes, I would not have a problem affording pet insurance, but then again I also don't have a problem with affording Scuba diving, and travel. However, the majority of people I know with pets can not afford pet health insurance. In fact I know people who can't afford insurance for themselves...maybe they should get rid of themselves and be "responsible" :eyebrow: I don't think we should classify people as good or bad pet owners by their ability to afford health insurance for them. If we did that, then there would be millions of more pets out there without a home, where they are loved and belong. That's one of the best things about pets, unlike humans they don't judge you by how much money you make, only by how much you love them. Unfortunately, this thread has turned into people judging others on their incomes.

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