How do you get purchases by your spouse?

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Use the same line she uses, IT WAS ON SALE !

Exactly. A man will pay $10 for a $5 item that he needs. A woman will pay $5 for a $10 item that she doesn't need because it is on sale. :wink:

I buy what I want, when I want it. Sure, I catch hell, but once I make up my mind on something and dig in my heels, my wife has learned to just let it go because I WILL win. :eyebrow:
ROFLMAO, this sounds just like my ex-wife. "Buy me jewellery and I'll be happy." The problem is that guys know about as much about jewellery as women know about power tools. A few years ago I bought her this nice diamond and sapphire ring for Christmas. I thought "Man she's going to love this and I picked it out all by myself." I was so proud. WRONG. Almost as soon as she took it out of the box she was looking at it under a bright light grading the stones as low quality and construction as inferior. I ended up taking it back and buying her another one that she picked out so she wouldn't complane about it.

Moral of the story...Guys, don't buy her jewellery without her written consent.

My wife is easy to buy for. She dives, has horses and wants changes made to the barn. She'd rather have tools or dive gear than jewellery.

The only problem is that she's always in my tools...she can use them but I can't get her to put em back so I can't find anything...and if I buy dive gear I have to buy two of everything. Getting the money to buy a $3500 scooter is really hard when you need $7000 for two!

Either way, as long as we can afford it, I buy what I want...and so does she.
Derek S:
A woman will pay $5 for a $10 item that she doesn't need because it is on sale. :wink:

But some will but twice as many to save more money.
just hide it. Isint that what paypal is for?

John 3:16

John 3:16?? That's not what my Bible says! :D

My wife just popped for a new regulator. I had a friend (dive buddy) say to her the following,

"Gee, I never met a braver man than your husband, Rick. He dives that old, cheap, very dangerous regulator that could break down at any moment and kill him, and never bats an eye. I asked him why he doesn't buy a new one, and he said he'd rather spend the money on you. What a guy!"

My wife very sweetly replied, "What a load. If you love the guy so much, you buy him the new regulator."

Anyway, after much pleading, begging and promises, the Atomic M1 arrives today! :D
My wife is easy to buy for. She dives, has horses and wants changes made to the barn. She'd rather have tools or dive gear than jewellery.

Wow Mike, now that's a woman I'd like to find. I can do all the work around the barn and the house, my father tought me well, but buying the jewellery, shoes, cloths, shoes, watches, shoes, handbags, and did I mention shoes for my ex was more then I could handle. My brain is just to small to remember color, cut, carat, clarity, shoe size, dress size, this years designer names, birthdays, anniversarys etc, etc, etc. I tried to remember it all once but other stuff started leaking out my ears and I forgot some very important stuff. Alas I had to give up on remembering it all and just concentrate on the important things, like how to fix that airplane that 285 people were going to be flying out on the next morning. Of course this didn't sit well with her and she'd get upset when I couldn't remember something like what color shoes she wore with these pants three weeks ago when we went out to dinner with Ted and Jean.

Moral of the story...don't marry a woman with a photographic memory.
We just built a new home. She wanted new, I'd have been happy with a fixer upper.

So I guess now it should be okay for me to get that cannister light I've been wanting, and the second set of doubles, and the second deco bottle and a reg for it, and the Trimix class in Florida in February.

hmmm does that even things up?? :wink:

When I wanted a drysuit, I bought her one first.
Hey I got to do a lot more great lakes diving that year than I would have if I bought mine first!! :crafty:
I find what works best is a nice romantic dinner followed by a massage etc...........:wink:
That generally puts her in a good enough mood to agree to most things!
I think this thread is rather interesting....

I must have the right wife.....

I wanted a $300 speargun and she said "You've wanted a drysuit for awhile now, why don't you get it instead?" So, I obviously did get the [$2000] drysuit...

Then, six months later, she told me to buy the spear gun...

I don't have any problems with this issue.

My wife is a warm water diver. She knows what the gear is for, even if she can't understand why I would possibly want to schlep it around.

She handles the checkbook. I tell her what I'd like to buy, how much it will cost and check that we don't have any major purchases or expenses coming up. Then I buy it.

It works the same way for her. She tells me that she wants something, confirms to me that we have the cash, then gets it.
3 words...


Drumming is one of my other hobbies (actually diving is the expensive hobby that took over for drumming) MY mad money stash kept me in cymbals, stands and other "toys"

She doesn't understand the entire hobby...she doesn't dig into my dive bag, what she doesn't know won't hurt ME! hahaha!

One good response is "that?...Oh, I've had that!"

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