Well it is Sunday and Sunday is a good day for confessions, right?
My video editing software seems to work fine with one little trick.
Not sure I completely understand all of this, but when the hero 10 records a video, it makes 3 separate files for each clip. They all have the same name but have 3 different extensions: .mp4, .THM, and .LRV.
My previous go pro cameras would show me only the .mp4 file. I would always import the .mp4 file into the Powerdirector software and that is the default setting for importing video files. I think.
Well if you change the type of file the software is importing from .mp4 to "all files" and then import the .LRV file (rather than the much larger .mp4 file), then the damn thing seems to WORK! Simple as that!
I have not gone through the full process of working with the files, but so far it is working fine for me.
Figured, I have to admit my stupidity ASAP. I was shooting only in 1080, so I may have future problems with bigger files, but pretty happy it is working for me.
Thank you to all the people who tried to provide assistance with this issue, I really did appreciate your help and did try to do what was suggested, as best I could.