I ran a student machine and welding shop for the College of Architecture at the University of Florida. I would take great care to show them how to use a tool, be it a lathe, mill or band saw. I would watch them carefully for a few minutes to make sure they were safe and not damaging equipment. I would then leave them, sit at my desk taking care of various things and listen. I could hear the process and knew if they were doing it right just by the sound. I was known for a catch phrase I repeated often when things began to howl: "It's not the tool."
Scuba, like using tools, is all about limits. It's not up to the tool to be used correctly, but the user. If you use equipment that doesn't fit, is ill serviced or not otherwise suitable for the job, you will fail. You can blame the equipment all you want, but they don't have a choice here. You have the choice.
People will tell me how horrible a BC is. Try diving without one. I have. I still often dive without a bladder on my harness. Does that make the bladder 'bad'? I don't rely on equipment to keep me safe: I rely on my skills. Some people hate split fins, yet I have hundreds of dives on them. You have to kick quicker to go faster, not harder. It's exactly the opposite for my cave fins. Each tool has a technique you need to master. If you don't learn it and use the tool correctly, you will fail. You call the tool garbage while I see your technique as lacking. I don't use split fins, because I would rather kick harder than faster especially with heavy gear or towing a distressed diver. It suits my massive thighs and calves. Calling the fins garbage is intellectually dishonest. They just don't work well for me.
It's not the tool. Even when you think it's the tool, it's still not the tool. It's not ever the tool. It's always the user.
My intent was to express a perspective different than most. Perhaps to help you pause and think. I get that people don't like taking responsibility for their decisions and/or actions. I'm different in that respect, I guess. I'm sorry if this offends you. That wasn't my intent, but it's still not the tool.